Many patients do not have enough time or patience to whiten their teeth using take home tooth whiteners. They may not be able to afford in-office whitening so the Pola Paint system is their next best option. Pola Paint is a fluoride releasing, mint flavoured, paint-on tooth whitening gel. With Pola Paint, there is no need for trays to be made. Patients simply purchase a kit from you and do the work themselves. Your patients can apply Pola Paint whenever they wish at anytime during the day or night. The low viscosity fast drying gel enables a film to form on the tooth surface with minimal drying time. Patients can choose to whiten one single tooth or their complete smile. Pola Paint is a great touch up procedure for patients who have already whitened their teeth before. Pola Paint is the economical first step to encouraging your patients to whiten their teeth. For further information, please contact SDI Limited:, UK: 00800 022 55 734.

Reader response number 52