Until the launch of the new Turbo-Smart suction system it had previously been the accepted industry practice not to change a surgery from wet-line to dry-line or vice versa because of the totally different vacuum characteristics. Cattani is now challenging this situation with amazing results in both wet-line and dry-line conversions thanks to Turbo-Smart. By providing high vacuum and high flow it can replace any wet or dry system with no noticeable drop in vacuum no matter what the demand, proving that Turbo-Smart is a truly universal aspirator. Dry line systems can be replaced easily as they normally have existing switch wires to operate the system remotely. Turbo-Smart uses no water so type 'A' air-gaps and expensive water bills are a thing of the past. Turbo-Smart can use the existing suction pipe work as small as 32 mm and is compatible with all manufacturers' dental equipment. Turbo-Smart is also supplied complete with a new amalgam separation system that is the first to be certified across a variable flow range. For more information contact Cattani Esam UK Ltd on 01527 877 997 or by e-mail on info@cattaniesam.co.uk.

Reader response number 51