A support service unit for researchers in the field of health and social care has recently focused its attention on the needs of dentists in an attempt ensure that their interests are fully covered by the services. RDInfo, which is funded by the Department of Health's Research Capacity Development Programme, consists of a trio of web based services providing access to details of research funding, training and advice.

RDFunding provides information on health-related research funding opportunities. There are over 1,300 funding organisations who between them offer in excess of 5,000 awards and includes organisations such as the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, British Endodontic Society and British Orthodontic Society. Dentists can register for the profiling service which keeps researchers updated with the latest funding opportunities targeted to their research areas. In addition, grants can be viewed by closing date to help timetable the writing of funding application.

RDLearning provides information on post-qualification courses, workshops, short courses and conferences available to dentists. This includes not just postgraduate courses and short courses run by organisations like the British Dental Association, but also includes a wide variety of other events such as workshops on offer by the Eastman Dental Institute, the Association of Dental Implantology, and the British Society of Periodontology. RDLearning currently holds details of over 5,500 educational events and can be searched by geographical area, subject, keyword or level of qualification.

Lastly, RDDirect is a signposting service for researchers. The team will find the best possible source of information which may involve referral to one of its advisors in your local area with whom you can discuss your enquiry. Dentists who need help or advice can contact the organisation on 0113 2951122, at www.rdinfo.org.uk, or by email info@rddirect.org.uk.