Medicine for Dentists - A Problem Based Approach

  • S. Dimmitt
Crawley WA: University of Western Australia Press, 2003 price $39.39(AUD), pp 158 ISBN 1920694021 | ISBN: 1-920-69402-1

This is a fairly slim volume but none the less contains a wealth of useful information on medical conditions that any dental practitioner might commonly encounter.

The book is divided into 27 easy to read chapters which employ a problem-based approach in dealing with various medical situations and conditions. Another very commendable feature is that consistently throughout the common conditions are listed first rather than overloading the reader with rarities.

Some good quality clinical photographs are to be found towards the middle of the book but they do seem to be unrelated to the surrounding text.

The book contains seven appendices and a 44 page glossary. The appendices all contain useful information, particularly those relating to the pregnant patient and drug interactions. The glossary is long enough to be quite comprehensive and informative and is a worthwhile feature of the book.

Overall, this book deserves a place for reference with any general dental practitioner, as well as the junior hospital dental surgeon.