Forgotten Africa, a charity that works with some of the poorest communities in East Africa is preparing a project in which a retired dentist will travel to Uganda next year for a month to help extend acute treatment provision and provide oral hygiene education lessons to villagers.

The visit will be made to the district of Nakasongola, an intensely rural area of central Uganda either in January/February or July/August. There is no hospital and no fully qualified dentist in the district, instead it has just two dental assistants who travel between the eight village dispensaries and Nakasongola town offering extractions. Oral hygiene education is also extremely limited.

The charity is looking for another dentist to accompany retired dentist and trustee of Forgotten Africa Peter Le Coyte on the trip, and is also looking for manufacturers and dentists to donate needles, local anaesthetics and hundreds of toothbrushes. For further information contact 01367 250111.