Have you got the right wax trays for you?

Working with wax in the dental surgery can sometimes be a messy activity, and needs to be effectively managed. An answer is the new Alma Wax Tray System. The system comprises the Alma Hotplate for creating level occlusal planes, a rigid base tray with integral Hotplate Support, and disposable tray liners to collect surplus wax.

Asden claims the Wax Tray is shaped to accommodate the preferred heat source with convenient folding Hotplate Support, keeping the heated instrument safely raised and any wax drips contained on the tray. A disposable Tray liner enables efficient removal of wax trimmings. The Hotplate Support folds flat for easy storage in most cabinets.

Some of the features of the Alma Wax Tray System include: a drip collection area, an edge recess for positioning of heat source, a disposable tray liner, a knife and carver locations and a compact design. For more information phone 0161 942 3920 or visit www.asden.co.uk.

Reader response number 51


The Dental Technicians Education and Training Advisory Board (DTETAB) has now become the Dental Technicians Association (DTA). The Dental Buying Group sponsored the launch.

The DTA are hoping to develop a broader role and to satisfy the need for an association for dental technicians. The DTA will also continue to operate the voluntary national register for dental technicians in the run up to the requirement statutory for registration in 2003/04. The Association have also launched a website and membership services are being developed to include a legal helpline, indemnity insurance and discount schemes.

For more information phone 01280 702 600.

Reader response number 52

See in the dark

When working with light curing materials, it is common to turn the operating light down, or even off, in order to prevent premature curing. To help combat this Trolldental have launched the TrollShade.

Trolldental claims the TrollShade prevents premature curing by filtering out the wavelength of light which cures the material. The TrollShade attaches easily to all operating lights using a magnet.

With the device in place, the operating light can be left on full power indefinitely, so the dentist does not have to work in the dark.

For more information phone 0800 1950 460.

Reader response number 53

Don't get into trouble with your pictures

What precautions are you currently taking to protect yourself from possible legal action? As all those in the dental profession are aware, self-protection against litigation or assisting in third party claims is a minefield without indisputable and clearly documented procedures.

The benefits of high-quality, close-up photography to monitor and document patient treatment are widely recognised. However, beyond pure dental applications, photography provides the most accurate visual evidence to support third party claims or deny accusations of negligence.

For more information on this product phone

Reader response number 54