
Meta-analysis of measures of performance reported in oral cancer and precancer screening studies. D. R. Moles, M. C. Downer and P. M. Speight Br Dent J 2002; 192: 340–344


In this issue Moles et al report on a meta-analysis to measure the performance of various published studies on screening for oral cancer or precancer. Their search yielded 60 articles on this subject in peer-reviewed journals. Based on stated inclusion and exclusion criteria, the authors initially selected seven screening studies for this meta-analysis and added a further six while examining the yield and compliance for screening. Their analysis is based on reported studies from the UK, Japan, India and Sri Lanka and the screening modality varied from invitational, opportunistic to house-house case-finding.

The fact of the matter is that screening for any disease is not conclusive. It provides only preliminary information about the diagnosis, sometimes under field situations, and the purpose of this scheme of inspection is to report the findings as accurately as possible to allow a re-examination of positive detections at a local treatment facility. Several variables including examiner training, calibration, incidence of the target disease and the presence of untreated other oral mucosal disease in the population could influence the outcome.

The effectiveness of a screening test is based mostly on the estimates of sensitivity and specificity. However, sensitivity and specificity are conceptually related; if the test conditions remain constant, an increase in sensitivity will result in a reduction in specificity, and the corollary is also true. The derived sensitivity values ranged from 0.60 to 0.95 and the specificity figures were between 0.94 and 0.99 for most studies conducted around the world. These data suggest there is striking uniformity of results that describe these programme measures.

The Summary Receiver Operator Characteristic Curve (SROC) plotted using a meta-analytical technique yielded a pooled sensitivity of 0.796 and a corresponding specificity at 0.977 suggesting the studies had high discriminatory ability to pick up the target disease. These results are comparable with reported results from many cancer screening studies involving other body sites such as colon, breast and cervix. This timely meta-analysis by Moles et al. highlights the true efficacy of screening for oral cancer/precancer which has the great theoretical potential for the control of this disease.