Air we go!

Braun Oral-B has introduced a new standard to oral irrigation with the launch of Oxyjet. This new product uses air to enhance its performance. The irrigator draws in air and combines it with water as it is pumped through the appliance. Before the aerated water stream is expelled, its speed is accelerated, resulting in the production of millions of micro-bubbles.

The product is supplied with a large beaker that holds 600ml of water or mouth rinse. It also features a pressure control dial that allows patients to control the speed at which water is propelled. The compact unit contains integrated storage for up to four jet heads.

Oral-B claim that when used in conjunction with regular toothbrushing Oxyjet, with its micro-bubble technology, will significantly reduce the bleeding and bacteria associated with gingivitis. This is a result of the product's jet stream that rotates at 8,000 revolutions per minute allowing it to easily penetrate below the gum line.

It is currently available as part of the Oral Care Centre and will soon be available as a stand-alone unit.

Reader response number: 051

Keeler loop the loupes!

A new range of stylish, lightweight dental loupes has just been launched by Keeler Ltd. Manufactured from aluminium, the SuperVu range uses lightweight glass for reduced weight and improved overall view.

Two new models are available: the SuperVu-SL, which uses a Galilean optical system, providing a whole mouth view with large depth of field; and the SuperVu-XL, which uses a prismatic optical system, giving higher magnifications with sharper edge-to-edge clarity for more exacting dental procedures.

The SuperVu-SL has removable, washable lenses and three magnification options and the SuperVu-Xl has four options.

Dental loupes allow the practitioner to see the smallest defect easily missed by the naked eye. In addition, they reduce eye, neck and back strain and help to improve working posture.

Reader response number: 052

Evidently Evident

Evident Dental are featuring an extended range of Orascoptic magnification. The 'flip-up' style telescopes are lightweight, fully adjustable and can be moved up out of the field of view whenever required.

Through the lens telescopes (TTLs) are custom made to order, with fixed position oculars providing the maximum possible width and depth of view. Classic 'flip-up' styles are available in 2×, 2.6× and 3.25× magnification. The new TTLs start at 2.5×, with 3.8× and 4.8× prism magnifiers available.

The Zeon Illuminator gives a perfectly aimed, bright concentric light, illuminating the field of view at all times. Evident claim that because of its superior engineering, design and construction, the source of illumination will actually save money. They say that not only does it use low cost lamps but the unique safety and economy features also offer considerably longer lamp life.

Reader response number: 053

Jewels in the crowns

In response to the latest trend to sweep Europe, Dental Linkline, the supplier of dental consumables, has launched a new range of tooth jewellery in the UK.

It is recommended that tooth jewellery be changed every 12 months. This visit will provide the dentist the opportunity to offer other professional dental care such as scaling and polishing and increases the chance of identifying early disease symptoms.

Reader response number: 054

Fire alert

Amendments to the Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations 1997 are currently going through Parliament and when they are brought into effect, the Regulations will have an impact on many more businesses than previously. The main change to the Regulations will be to widen their scope and cover virtually all business premises. The most significant effect of the original Regulations was to make workplace fire safety the employers' responsibility and this will not be changed.

The Fire Protection Association (FPA) has produced a video entitled Workplace Fire Risk Assessment — A Guide for Employers. This video gives guidance to employers who need to comply with the Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations.

The video serves as an introduction to fire risk assessment methods and can be helpful to those with no previous fire safety knowledge. Also available is the book, Fire Risk Management in the Workplace, which is intended as a guide for employers and managers responsible for fire safety in business premises.

Telephone the FPA Publications Department on 0181 207 2345.

Reader response number: 055

Not a drag with Dragonfly

Dragonfly Dental Systems announce the availability of their new Patient Recall System - Plus. As an alternative to their Dental Management System, the PRS deals purely with producing recall letters from a database of patients and the PRS Plus incorporates the valuable features of a Cash Book, Fee List, Estimate Printing, Debtor Tracking with printing of letters and Dual Clinicians per patient.

Within the basic PRS are patient record cards which contain the patients' personal details including their address, date of birth, recall period, and their exam dates.

Dragonfly Dental Systems claim that the PRS will reduce paperwork, leaving dentists and their staff with more time to deal with other tasks.

The price of the basic Patient Recall System is £475 plus VAT (£558) and the price of the PRS Plus is £575 plus VAT (£675).

Reader response number:  056

Oral care survey

The 1993 launch of Colgate Total toothpaste was linked with the introduction of the Colgate Total Oral Care Survey. Initially 2000 practices were invited to participate in the programme which was designed to obtain a clear picture of patients' reported oral care needs and behaviour. The past five years have seen many changes; the survey has grown into the Colgate Total Oral Research Programme. The initial objectives are:

To gather data concerning dental patients' oral health behaviours and oral health product purchasing habits

To gather data concerning dental patients' values and beliefs about the use of dental services and oral care products

To gather data on dental patients' beliefs, attitudes and opinions on specific dental health issues, plaque, periodontal disease and dental caries.

The 1998 programme showed that only 14% of respondents had ever been advised that they had either gum disease or periodontitis — a worrying indication when we know that this is experienced by over 85% of the population.

Whilst the annual results of the Colgate Total Oral Research Programme are in no way a scientific study, they do give a fascinating insight into the knowledge and beliefs of dental patients.

Respondents to the programme over the years have shown a high level of awareness about most aspects of oral health. They value their dentist and hygienist and understand the need for regular dental visits. The profession is held in high esteem, especially with regards to the recommendation of products.

Reader response number: 057

Risky business

The St Paul Healthcare, the provider of medico-legal protection to GPs and dentists, has recognised the importance of highlighting the place for risk management in general practice, and has announced the publication of Making Sense of Risk Management; A Workbook for Primary Care.

Written by author and broadcaster, Roy Lilley along with Paul Lambden, Medical and Dental Principal at The St Paul, the book serves as an indispensable guide to managing risk in general practice.

The guide has been designed with busy healthcare professionals in mind who may not have time to read a book cover-to-cover. The publication offers practical exercises, quick tips and 'hazard warnings', bringing to the fore the key stumbling blocks that may lead to litigation. Written in an 'easy to read' style, the is a light hearted and digestible guide to one of the most serious issues affecting healthcare professionals today.

The book is accompanied by a CD Rom, offering tips of planning and information systems, containing demonstrations of Corporate Governance and Clinical Governance information and tasks.

The exercises in the book have been designed to be tailored to the individual GP or practice, providing readers with techniques to develop their working practices, managing risks in a way that is tailored to their specific needs. Call The St Paul on 01737 787787.

Reader response number: 058

Easy-peasy leasing

There are many financial aspects to running a practice — wages/salaries, materials and laboratory fees, overheads and tax. The acquisition of new machinery to replace obsolete items or to keep pace with technological changes, it is also an area that every dentist will need to consider at some stage. Dental equipment, by its very nature is expensive. Therefore purchase decisions are crucial and should be carefully considered and equally well informed, not least in the area of finance options.

Leasing is becoming in many ways preferable to cash purchase. It provides an element of certainty, as the financial commitments are known in advance and are fixed for the rental period. There is thus a certainty of cash flow which is not offered by other finance options since the interest rate built into the lease is fixed and therefore will not be influenced by changes in inflation. Leasing consequently removes the need to tie up resources in fixed assets, yet provides the lessee with the full benefit of ownership without the initial capital outlay.

LMS has considerable experience of dealing with the financing needs of healthcare professionals. So, if you are thinking of upgrading your practice, purchasing new practice equipment or buying a car through finance, LMS can offer advice on the most tax efficient method.

Reader response number: 059

Perfect policy

Specialist insurance broker MIA has announced the launch of a new practice legal expenses policy for doctors, dentists and vets. MIA receives over 100 calls per month from existing clients looking for advice on disputes such as: Employment, commercial contracts, motoring, employment disputes, criminal prosecutions, contractual disputes, property disputes, tax disputes, VAT disputes, contribution agency investigations and attendance expenses.

The policy can be bought on a standalone basis or as part of MIA's surgery insurance plan. For more detailed policy information and/or application forms, call MIA's General Business Division on 01438 739 739.

Reader response number: 060