Musically minded scientists Ira Melman, Richard Flavell and friends have turned to what they call biorock. The lyrics below are from one of the songs on their rock band's CD, Cellmates Volume 1 Number 1. ($15, or £12 plus shipping. Apply to or

“Kits-R-Us” (R. Flavell) Way back in history they used to make up their ATP. Pour out buckets of SSC, but screw that, suckers, that's not for me! Now all that stuff just takes too much time, And it's my career that's on the line! They cost some dough, let my PI whine Cuz I'm headed for the stars this time! You buy it in one carton, it's got everything you need. A few instructions to start on, can't fail to succeed. Dial 1-800-Kits-R-Us (free pipettes with every order) Dial 1-800-Kits-R-Us (free pipettes with every order). With just three tubes, red, white and blue, There's not too much for me to do. Just mix it up, pipette that too, no need for fancy witch's brew. And if perhaps the buffer's gone, just toss the kit, you can't go wrong! You save so much time, science speeds along. That's why I have time to write this song!