Where do you get your BOBs?

From you! Each and every BOB is unique, custom designed to order for each client. Your personal BOB, neurally mapped to your specs from an approved and tested blank, will be unique.

Are they really volunteers?

We wouldn't have it any other way. Our programme begins and ends with free choice, yours and his. Our blanks are Asian and African males, aged 28–36, who have freely chosen to have their personalities erased and remapped (not just overwritten) in order to have a chance at a new life in the United States or Europe.

How are they selected?

With special care. We accept only healthy mature male blanks, HIV- and STD-clean, cosmetically and medically reconditioned before being neurally reconfigured to make a satisfactory boyfriend, life partner or husband, if you so desire.

How do you know what kind of guy I'm looking for?

You tell us. Simply ENTER your own needs and preferences into our proprietary matching database. That's all there is to it! Unlike older programs, Build Your Own Boyfriend™ lets you choose exactly the qualities you want in a life-partner. And then delivers it.

Credit: JACEY

Will he remember his previous life?

Your BOB comes with a full generic set of memories that is chemically dimmed, giving him a feeling of completeness without the specificity of individual recollection. You and your BOB will immediately begin making your own memories. That's what relationships are all about! Although many of our blanks come from penal or military points of origin (POOs), they have been completely erased, not just overwritten, before reconfiguration.

What if he doesn't like me?

Unlikely, as your BOB is configured to like the same things you do — which includes yourself! And in the unlikely event that you are not satisfied (in every way) with your delivered BOB, you are free to return him at any time in the first six months after reception, with only a nominal restocking fee and no questions asked. This happens in only a small percentage of cases. These BOBs are returned to inventory to be rewritten and reassigned. They have no memory of their reception. You have no responsibility for a returned blank.

Can I choose race or ethnicity?

Sorry. BYOB operates under strict non-discrimination laws. We guarantee only that your BOB will be healthy and pleasant looking with no disfigurements. Most are Asian or African, as EU restrictions prohibit European blanks at present.

What if I don't want a long-term relationship?

Then our service is not for you. To adopt a metaphor from the stock market, we are not day traders, nor do we short-sell. We're here for the career women willing to make an investment in a long-term partner. Have we mentioned that our BOBs are covered by our Comprehensive Health Insurance policy (CHI)? You can and should look forward to a long and satisfying relationship.

Men only? What's that about?

We do service select gay men, but our service is primarily for women seeking a long-term companion or partner. Current international sex-traffic ordinances prevent our acceptance or reconfiguration of female blanks.

Will I have to teach him English?

Not at all. Your BOB comes with mature language capabilities, which are independent of memory. He may be teaching you! As our Syntax module is based on the Webster–Chomsky proprietary syntax map. He will, however, be unable to read or write. Many clients regard this as a plus.

What about citizenship?

Each BOB is awarded conditional citizenship six months after reception. It is among the many things he will be thankful to you for! And although BOBs cannot vote or own property, they have most of the rights of unconditional citizens. As an added attraction, our Canadian or US clients are granted an extra one-fifth vote. A similar concession is currently being negotiated with the government of the United Kingdom.

Will he long for his old life?

No. He will remember only that it was unpleasant and will be neurally incapable of remembering any specific incidents or people. His new life with you will be all that is of interest to him.

Will he know that he is a BOB?

Only if you tell him. He will know only that he has a past personality that he is disinclined (and indeed unable) to access. Many women find pleasure telling their BOBs that they have been especially designed to suit them. Many BOBs find comfort in the knowledge that they are 'special' in this way. But again, it's your call.

What if I grow tired of him?

Why would you? Remember, your BOB wasn't just matched with you, he was made for you. But in the unlikely event that you wish to discard your BOB at any time after the initial BYOB warranty period, you can do so without legal prejudice by delivering him to Migration Control, as his citizenship is conditional and he is neurally mapped to go without resistance. Your responsibility then ends, and he is free to become blanked again, or be returned to his Point of Origin (POO).

What if I have further questions?

They can be submitted in confidence to our BYOB website at www.Bob.bio; or if you wish to speak to a live operator, 1 (919) 456 8999. Now, may we ask you a question?

What are you waiting for? Haven't you been lonely long enough? Share your life with a BOB who is designed to fit your life-style and unique personality. Send for our Profile Initiator today!