M. Weill, G. Lutfalla, K. Mogensen, F. Chandre, A. Berthomieu, C. Berticat, N. Pasteur, A. Philips, P. Fort, M. Raymond

Nature 423, 136–137 (2003)10.1038/423136b

It has been drawn to our attention (I. Gould and P. A. Zimmerman) that the numbering of the amino-acid sequences and exon presented in our communication differs from that of the corresponding EMBL/GenBank entries. Because mosquito proteins differ in length, the first published acetylcholinesterase three-dimensional structure (from Torpedo california) was used to number structurally identical residues. The glycine residue whose substitution by serine confers insecticide insensitivity was therefore numbered 119, whereas it corresponds to amino acids 247 and 280 of Culex pipiens (entry CAD33707) and Anopheles gambiae (entry CAD56157) proteins, respectively. In Anopheles, this position lies within the third coding exon (exon 5). Our conclusions are not affected by this inconsistency.