Pai GS, Lewandowski RC Jr and Borgaonkar DS:

Handbook of Chromosomal Syndromes, 376 pp, New York, Wiley-Liss, 2002 ($99.95)..

Every medical student knows that the Down syndrome is linked to trisomy of chromosome 21. Few of us do, however, realize that it took 93 years for this fact to become established—from 1866 when the Down syndrome was first described until 1959 when the trisomy 21 was discovered. Since then hundreds of cytogenetic abnormalities have been discovered, and chromosomal analysis has become a routine test in evaluating many childhood diseases.

In this book the authors present the most important chromosomal developmental syndromes. The disorders are listed by the affected chromosome number from 1 to 22 and the sex chromosomes. The clinical features of each syndrome are briefly outlined and illustrated with black and white photographs. The text is sketchy but to the point and informative. Key references also are included.

This book could be used for quick reference by neonatologists, genetic counselors, and general pediatricians. It also deserves to be included in hospital and departmental libraries.