Smoller BR: Practical Immunopathology of the Skin, 208 pp, Totowa, NJ, Humana Press, 2002 ($129.50).

As the ever-increasing torrent of information accumulates regarding immunopathology, a need for texts that abstract this body of knowledge grows. Practical Immunopathology of the Skin is a well-scripted monograph that does just this with specific regard to the practice of dermatopathology. The text is divided into three main sections: 1) introduction, 2) antibody directory, and 3) case vignettes. The book itself is in a compact handbook form, making for quick, easy reference.

The introductory section includes two chapters. The first chapter gives an overall purview of immunopathology, including some well-placed paragraphs discussing the when, where, who, and why(s) of the discipline. The second chapter is a concise but highly readable overview of immunopathology technique. This particular chapter would be at home in a major surgical pathology text and is recommended reading to anyone who needs a primer course on how immunologic staining works.

The antibody directory section covers a wide gamut of antibodies. Photographs are provided showing typical staining patterns. Most of the photos are black and white save for a few color plates; however, this does not detract considering that most immunologic staining methods are limited to one signal color. A format of introduction, diagnostic utility, technical considerations, and summary section is provided for each antibody. This method is rigorously adhered to and allows for rapid gathering of information. It is worth noting that the background details for each antibody are directed toward specific dermatologic diagnoses. The uses for the antibodies outside of the skin are not extensively elaborated upon. The book concludes with a series of case vignettes that illustrate and teach the uses of the myriad antibodies discussed throughout the previous text.

Overall, this book would be a valuable addition for pathology and dermatology residents, fellows and practicing pathologists, dermatologists, and dermatopathologists who would like a practical resource for contemporary dermatologic immunopathology.