Evolutionary Wars: A Three-Billion-Year Arms Race

  • Charles Kingsley Levy
W. H. Freeman, £10.95, $16.95

Citizen Science: A Study of People, Expertise and Sustainable Development

  • Alan Irwin
Routledge, £16.99, $24.99

The River: A Journey Back to the Source of HIV and AIDS

  • Edward Hooper
Penguin, £10.99

The River is, in many ways, superb. It is scholarly, thoroughly researched, well (if densely) written and deserves, indeed demands to be taken seriously … His description of the early days of the African and Western AIDS epidemics is marvellous, but it is his support for the OPV–HIV hypothesis that will attract most attention … My biggest concern over this book is that it could reinforce public distrust of science and scientists. It is a dangerous policy to hammer science for unproven — and probably unprovable — events.” John P. Moore, Nature 401, 325–326 (1999)