Editors and publishers alike are becoming increasingly aware of the opportunities electronic submission and review can offer their communities. Nature Publishing Group will be implementing a new electronic submission system across the journals they own and recommending it to the societies with which they publish in partnership. Gene Therapy is one of the first journals to take advantage of the new system, eJournalPress. It is a completely web-based tool designed for manuscript submission, review and tracking. All interactions with eJournalPress are via a standard web browser; no special workstation software is required. The web interface sits on top of a database that contains information about authors, referees, manuscripts and tracking.

eJournalPress will benefit authors at all stages of the peer-review process of a manuscript submitted to Gene Therapy. As well as ease and flexibility of submission, eJournalPress provides a faster turnaround, through internal and external electronic transfers, rather than traditional postal or courier services. Authors will be able to gain access to manuscript status information at their convenience with the ability to access the system from anywhere in the world via an internet connection, facilitating remote working when travelling.

The editorial team of Gene Therapy is committed to delivery of the best possible service for authors and readers of the journal. We believe that this new system will significantly improve our ability to process submissions through the review procedure to publication in a timely fashion.

Information about submitting to Gene Therapy on-line using eJournalPress can be found on the journal's homepage www.nature.com/gt/onlinesubmission.html NPG would like it to be clear that, although it is preferable that submissions are made on-line, it is still possible for authors to submit their paper to the Editorial Offices in the traditional way, please see inside the journal for details.