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Bacterial expression of an enzymatically active protein encoded by RSV src gene


Genetic evidence indicates that the oncogenic potential of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) resides in a single viral gene denoted src1,2. The product of this gene is a 60,000-molecular weight (Mr) phosphoprotein (pp60src)3–6 which is linked to the plasma membrane of RSV-infected cells7–9 by an interaction at its amino terminus10. This protein is associated with a protein kinase activity5,11 capable of phosphorylating tyrosine residues in acceptor proteins12–15. A closely related protein occurs in uninfected cells from a wide variety of vertebrates16–18 and is presumably encoded by a cellular gene that is alleged to be the progenitor of src16–19. Because detailed enzymological characterization of pp60src has been hampered by a lack of sufficient quantities of purified material, we have produced a bacterial plasmid capable of expressing in Escherichia coli a protein closely related to pp60src. We report here the construction of this vector, which directs the synthesis in E. coli of large quantities of a protein having the size and immunological properties characteristic of pp60src. In addition, we have demonstrated tyrosine-specific protein kinase activity associated with the bacterially derived protein, an observation which greatly strengthens the claim that the kinase activity previously observed to be associated with pp60src represents a bona fide property of the protein.

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McGrath, J., Levinson, A. Bacterial expression of an enzymatically active protein encoded by RSV src gene. Nature 295, 423–425 (1982).

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