What Emotions Really Are

  • Paul E. Griffiths
University of Chicago Press: 1998. 186pp. $17, £13.50

“It is difficult to do justice to Griffiths in a short review. His analysis of the concept of emotion and his proposal for the future direction of the field is the most compelling and best argued I have read. What Emotions Really Are makes a strong claim to be one of the best books to have emerged on the subject of human emotion.” Ray Dolan, Nature 391, 35; 36; (1998).

Mirrors in Mind

  • Richard Gregory
Penguin: 1998. pp302 £12.99

Reviewed by Simon Altmann in Nature 385, 785; (1997).


  • Adrian Desmond
Penguin: 1998. pp820 £10.99

Part 1 reviewed by W.F. Bynum in Nature 372, 300; (1994) and part 2 by Crispin Tickell, Nature 386, 349; (1997).