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Complement Fixation with Tissue Culture and Liver Antigens of Mouse Hepatitis


HOST-SPECIFIC viruses associated with hepatitis of duck1, dog2, mouse3–6, and man7 have been described. The agents of duck8, dog9 and mouse10,11 hepatitis have been propagated in tissue culture. Complement-fixing antigens have been prepared from infected livers of mouse12 and dog13. However, studies on propagation and serology of human hepatitis viruses have as yet yielded equivocal results14. By means of virus-neutralization tests in mice, Gledhill et al. 15 noted an antigenic relationship among strains of murine hepatitis virus. They stated that JHM, Nelson, and MHV strains probably form a related group of viruses.

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STARR, T., POLLARD, M. Complement Fixation with Tissue Culture and Liver Antigens of Mouse Hepatitis. Nature 183, 1690–1691 (1959).

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