Dr Hsing-Jien Kung obtained his PhD in Chemistry from the California Institute of Technology and conducted his postdoctoral work in molecular virology at University of California, at San Francisco. He was a faculty at Michigan State University and Goodman-Blum Professor of Cancer Research at Case Western Reserve University. He is currently Professor of Biological Chemistry at University of California at Davis and Director of Basic Sciences at UCD Cancer Center. Some of his contributions in molecular virology include the discovery of dimer-linkage structure of retroviral genome, the identification of erbB as the target gene for retroviral insertion in chicken leukemia, and the demonstration of retroviral insertions into herpesviral genome. His lab also contributed to the understanding of the mechanisms of oncogenic conversion of erbB receptor tyrosine kinases, the crosstalk between cytokine receptors and growth factor receptors. His current research interest is to characterize tyrosine kinase signals involved in prostate cancer progression.

figure 1

Figure 1