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The Use of the Voice


THIS is an admirable little book written by a teacher of experience who realises the importance of careful training in the use of the voice both in singing and in reading. The mechanism of the larynx is described in simple and, so far as possible, in untechnical language, and there is a suc-sinct account of the mechanism of breathing. The author favours the view that the kind of breathing best adapted for the development of a good voice is neither wholly diaphragmatic nor wholly higher costal, but what may be termed general breathing; in other words, all parts of the mechanism of the chest should be brought into play. Very sensible instructions are given as to the use of the resonance cavities on which the quality of the voice largely depends. Graduated exercises on vowel and consonant sounds are highly recommended, and there can be no doubt that, following the good advice given, the best use can be made of the pupil's structures for voice production. We accept the author's view that far too little attention is paid to the education of the voice both in ordinary conversation and in public speaking, and that we have, therefore, often to suffer from mumbling, indistinct utterance, lack of modulation, and incorrect accentuation. Not only should one be trained to express his thoughts when “on his feet,” but he should also be able to express them in sounds that give pleasure to those who listen. How very often is this not the case and we are glad when the speaker sits down. There is an excellent chapter on “stuttering,” with many wise suggestions.

The Use of the Voice.



By the Rev.. Pp. 118. (London: S.P.C.K., 1917.) Price 2s. 6d. net.

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M., J. The Use of the Voice . Nature 100, 203–204 (1917).

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