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THERE is one part which neutrals may take in the Continental war. With no sympathy for those who have caused the war on either side, our sympathy is all the more due to those who innocently suffer from it on both sides. The following appeal, posted on the walls of every mairie in France, will touch other hearts than those of Frenchmen:— “Appel à la France.— Au nom de Dieu, au nom de la patrie, au nom de nos fils, de nos frères, de nos braves soldats tombés avec honneur sur le champ de bataille, et toujours héroïques quoique vaincns aujourd'hui, nous faisons un appel à tous les cœurs français. De grâce, donnez-nous de I'argent, du linge, des chemises, des couvertures, des vêtements, de flanelle, etc, Là-bas, sur nos frontières, l'élan des villes, les offrandes touchantes des villages ne suffisent déjà plus à nos chers blessés.—Les besoins sont immenses.—Le temps presse.—Donnez, oh! donnez vite! Envoyez les dons en nature et en argent au siége de la société à Paris, Palais de l'Industrie, porte No. IV.” Here is a work in which all may unite—French, Germans, and neutrals, men of science, men of literature, men of business; and above all, our women. Nobly already have English, Irish, and Americans, surgeons, nurses, sisters of charity, come forward in the good work, but still it can only be as a drop in the ocean. To offer succour to the wounded and sufferers on both sides, to assuage as far as we can, the horrors of war, never exhibited on a more fearful scale than within the last few weeks, is now the duty of our more fortunate countrymen and countrywomen.

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Notes. Nature 2, 341–343 (1870).

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