
Molecular Transducers of Physical Activity Consortium (MoTrPAC)

MoTrPAC is a national research consortium designed to discover and characterize the molecular map that underlies the effects of physical activity in humans. The program's goal is to study the molecular changes that occur during and after exercise and ultimately to advance the understanding of how physical activity improves and preserves health.

Stylised illustration showing a rat using an exercise wheel surrounded by futuristic patterns, representing scientific measurement.

David Amar, Nicole R. Gay, David Jimenez-Morales, Pierre M. Jean Beltran, Megan E. Ramaker, Archana Natarajan Raja, Bingqing Zhao, Yifei Sun, Shruti Marwaha, David A. Gaul, Steven G. Hershman, Alexis Ferrasse, Ashley Xia, Ian Lanza, Facundo M. Fernández, Stephen B. Montgomery, Andrea L. Hevener, Euan A. Ashley, Martin J. Walsh, Lauren M. Sparks, Charles F. Burant, R Scott Rector, John Thyfault, Matthew T. Wheeler, Bret H. Goodpaster, Paul M. Coen, Simon Schenk, Sue C. Bodine, Malene E. Lindholm, and the MoTrPAC Study Group. The mitochondrial multi-omic response to exercise training across rat tissues. Cell Metabolism 36, 1–19 (2024) 


Nair VD., Pincas H., Smith GR., Zaslavsky E., Ge Y., Amper MAS., Vasoya M., Chikina M., Sun Y., Raja AN., Mao W., Gay NR., Esser KA., Smith KS., Zhao B., Wiel L., Singh A., Lindholm ME., Amar D., Montgomery S., Snyder MP., Walsh MJ., Sealfon CS., and MoTrPAC Study Group. Molecular adaptations in response to exercise training are associated with tissue-specific transcriptomic and epigenomic signatures. Cell Genomics 4 (2024)


Simon Schenk, Tyler J. Sagendorf, Gina M. Many, Ana K. Lira, Luis G.O. DeSousa, Dam Bae, Michael Cicha, Kyle Kramer, Michael Muehlbauer, Andrea L. Hevener, R. Scott Rector, John P. Thyfault, John P. Williams, Laurie J. Goodyear, Karyn A. Esser, Christopher B. Newgard, Sue C. Bodine, and The MoTrPAC Study Group. Physiological adaptations to progressive endurance exercise training in adult and aged rats: insights from the Molecular Transducers of Physical Activity Consortium (MoTrPAC). Function zqae014 (2024)