Reviews & Analysis

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  • Choosing the correct management strategy for patients with rheumatoid arthritis in order to achieve the best possible outcome is a challenge to all rheumatologists. This Viewpoint considers current progress in the field of outcomes research in rheumatoid arthritis, along with future prospects of predicting individual patient response to therapy.

    • Josef S Smolen
    • Daniel Aletaha
  • The standards of 'state of the art' in-office imaging are rapidly changing. This Viewpoint assesses the imaging techniques available for in-office use and highlights the obstacles that need to be overcome in this field in order for clinicians to have easy access to the right data in order to provide the best possible care.

    • John T Sharp
  • The improved prognosis of children with systemic lupus erythematosus over the past 50 years means that rheumatologists now focus on preventing the long-term complications associated with this disease and its treatment. As discussed in this review, a specialized multidisciplinary approach is needed to ensure optimum family education, treatment and patient outcome in pediatric systemic lupus erythematosus.

    • Stacy P Ardoin
    • Laura E Schanberg
    Review Article
  • Molecular biology techniques have enabled the pathophysiologic pathways involved in joint destruction in rheumatoid arthritis to be elucidated at the cellular and molecular level. In this review, the authors discuss the various cell-to-cell and cell-to-matrix interactions, highlighting the role of cytokine-independent pathways and the innate immune system in these processes.

    • Ulf Müller-Ladner
    • Thomas Pap
    • Steffen Gay
    Review Article
  • There is increasing evidence that treatment in the early stages of rheumatoid arthritis can significantly increase the potential for positive patient outcome and prevention of irreversible damage. This Viewpoint considers the evidence that supports aggressive treatment for early rheumatoid arthritis and investigates the available treatment options.

    • Tom WJ Huizinga
    • Robert BM Landewé
  • Diagnosis of early rheumatoid arthritis can be significantly hastened by the screening for serological markers such as autoantibodies. This Viewpoint discusses the merits of this new field of serological screening, focusing on the anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide tests and their value as diagnostic tools for rheumatoid arthritis.

    • Walther J van Venrooij
    • Leo BA van de Putte
  • The link between chronic inflammation and bone loss has been the subject of intense research over the past decade. This has led to the identification of key molecules that bridge the gap between immune function and bone turnover, including receptor activator of NFκB ligand, which represents a potential therapeutic target for patients with chronic inflammatory arthritis, and is the subject of this review.

    • Georg Schett
    • Silvia Hayer
    • Josef S Smolen
    Review Article
  • Antiphospholipid syndrome, a disorder characterized by pregnancy morbidity and thrombosis in young individuals, is diagnosed by detection of anticardiolipin antibodies or lupus anticoagulant using laboratory tests. As discussed in this review, correct identification of patients with this syndrome is important as prophylactic anticoagulant therapy can prevent recurrent thrombosis and reduce complications during pregnancy.

    • Maria Laura Bertolaccini
    • Munther A Khamashta
    • Graham RV Hughes
    Review Article
  • Renal involvement is common and is a major cause of morbidity in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Treatment approaches for lupus nephritis are discussed in this review, based, when available, on data from randomized controlled trials. The authors conclude with their recommendations for the optimum management of this complex and heterogeneous disease.

    • Dimitrios T Boumpas
    • Prodromos Sidiropoulos
    • George Bertsias
    Review Article
  • Cytokine targeting is an established approach for treating patients with rheumatoid arthritis following success with tumor-necrosis-factor and interleukin-1 blockade. Many patients fail to respond completely to these cytokine antagonists, however, meaning that novel cytokine targets are keenly sought. This review describes the new generation of anticytokine therapies that are in preclinical and clinical development.

    • Iain B McInnes
    • Foo Y Liew
    Review Article