Reviews & Analysis

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  • The endosperm is a seed tissue that supports the embryo. In most flowering plant species, the endosperm starts as a coenocyte that cellularizes after a defined number of mitotic divisions. We show that endosperm cellularization is under antagonistic parental control mediated by a family of maternally expressed auxin response factors.

    Research Briefing
  • Creation of a plastid genome without an inverted repeat in Nicotiana tabacum reveals a role for the inverted repeat in gene dosage and the regulation of replication by total DNA content rather than copy number.

    • Jeffrey P. Mower
    News & Views
  • The nuclear pore is known as a large protein complex for the transport of macromolecules between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Comprehensive proteomic analyses revealed a novel role of the nuclear pore complex as a platform for the coordinated regulation of the flow from transcription to translation.

    • Sachihiro Matsunaga
    • Nanami Ito
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  • Owing to its size and complexity, the genome of modern sugarcane has never been previously assembled in its entirety, which leaves it as one of the last remaining major crop species without a reference genome. The newly completed polyploid assembly of an archetypal modern hybrid reveals the complexities of sugarcane’s genetic past, and presents new opportunities for the researchers and breeders invested in its future.

    • Elizabeth A. Cooper
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  • The functions of a small family of non-secreted peptides, originally identified as critical communicators of the plant’s iron status, have expanded. The involvement of these effectors in disparate signalling cascades underlines the pivotal role peptides have in responses to the environment.

    • Isabel Cristina Vélez-Bermúdez
    • Wolfgang Schmidt
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  • A triplet repeat expansion in Arabidopsis induces gene silencing that results in a severe growth defect. We show that an interplay between a SUMO protease and histone readers of active and inactive marks is required for this gene silencing, which highlights the importance of post-translational modifiers in chromatin remodelling.

    Research Briefing
  • In this Perspective, Vincent Merckx and colleagues discuss an important but overlooked aspect of mycorrhizal interactions, mycoheterotrophy, in the context of recent arguments about the importance of these interactions to forest functioning.

    • Vincent S. F. T. Merckx
    • Sofia I. F. Gomes
    • Martin I. Bidartondo
  • Plant species diversity declines from tropical to temperate latitudes. Local neighbourhood interactions among species that favour heterospecifics over conspecifics may have a role in shaping this latitudinal diversity gradient, but perhaps not as traditionally thought.

    • Joseph A. LaManna
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  • BZR/BES transcription factors are widely recognized as mediators of brassinosteroid (BR)-responsive gene expression in seed plants, but details of how they act in species that lack BR perception are unclear. A study now uncovers an ancient mission of a BZR/BES transcription factor in sexual organ development in the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha.

    • Keiji Nakajima
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  • The carbon fixation machinery α-carboxysome of the marine cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus is composed of an icosahedral-like proteinaceous shell that encapsulates the enzymes RuBisCO and carbonic anhydrase. Our cryo-EM structure reveals how thousands of protein components self-assemble into the α-carboxysome and characterizes the multivalent interactions by which the scaffolding protein CsoS2 crosslinks the shell with internal RuBisCO molecules.

    Research Briefing
  • In this Perspective, Mascher et al. look back on 30 years of genetic and genomic research in cereal crops. Genome sequences have revealed common evolutionary patterns as well as differences between species and will support applications in breeding.

    • Martin Mascher
    • Marina Püpke Marone
    • Nils Stein
  • Compartmentalization of specialized compounds in glandular trichomes is essential for plant protection against stresses and attraction of pollinators. This compartmentalization is achieved by the establishment of a lignin-based apoplastic barrier named ‘neck strip’, which is present in trichomes of diverse plant species.

    • Igor Cesarino
    • Dyoni M. Oliveira
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  • Photosystem I (PSI) and PSII are two large pigment–protein complexes that are responsible for converting solar energy into chemical energy. We identify the PSI assembly factor PBF8 and show that it mediates two key consecutive steps in PSI assembly, revealing major aspects of the PSI assembly pathway in land plants.

    Research Briefing
  • Rhizosphere microbiomes are shaped by both the environment and the host. A recent study of the maize microbiome reveals how plants recruit a specific microbiome to alleviate abiotic stress, and provides clues for precision microbiome engineering in agriculture.

    • Jiayong Shen
    • Mingxing Wang
    • Ertao Wang
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  • This study collected and analysed 3,517 de novo assemblies from 1,575 plant species sequenced since 2000, including 793 newly sequenced species in the past three years. A database named N3: plants, genomes, technologies was developed to accommodate the metadata associated with the sequenced genomes.

    • Lingjuan Xie
    • Xiaojiao Gong
    • Longjiang Fan
    Review Article
  • The plant DNA damage response ensures genomic stability by controlling interconnected networks of DNA repair and cell division proteins. Decoding these networks offers potential solutions to the challenges of climate-related stress and food security.

    • Josephine Herbst
    • Qian-Qian Li
    • Lieven De Veylder
    Review Article
  • Two studies report the use of paternal haploids to enable one-step transfer of cytoplasmic male sterility in maize and broccoli, which resolves a key technical bottleneck in hybrid crop breeding.

    • Ravi Maruthachalam
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  • In this Perspective, Finger and Möhring discuss the emergence of pesticide-free crop production systems in Europe in the context of real-world examples and highlight the barriers to adoption of this cropping strategy.

    • Robert Finger
    • Niklas Möhring
  • Cell edges are part of a coordinate system used by the cell to direct three-dimensional growth in an organized manner. They emerge as signalling hubs with unique composition, capable of sensing mechanical stresses derived from neighbouring cells, to negotiate and harmonize individual cellular growth rates, therefore avoiding mechanical conflict.

    • Choy Kriechbaum
    • Sabine Müller
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