Research articles

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  • Adoption of air conditioning is increasing globally, leading to peaks in electricity consumption and related environmental concerns. Compiling recent data on population and temperature, this study ranks 219 countries and 1,692 cities based on a measure of cooling demand to improve our understanding of future trends.

    • Léopold T. Biardeau
    • Lucas W. Davis
    • Catherine Wolfram
    Brief Communication
  • Recently, ecologists have begun discussing an idea for setting aside half of the Earth for conservation purposes. This study provides some of the first analysis of the impacts of doing so on society, based on assumptions about ecoregions and human footprint.

    • Judith Schleicher
    • Julie G. Zaehringer
    • Chris Sandbrook
    Brief Communication
  • Updated forest inventories are critical for policymaking. This study presents an approach to map coordinated top-down European forest management strategies that spatially weighs the multifunctionality of European forests. Such an approach should help identify pathways to manage forests sustainably.

    • Gert-Jan Nabuurs
    • Peter Verweij
    • Kees Hendriks
    Brief Communication
  • Waste plastic can be converted into a potential fuel source using a new nano-scale catalyst. This catalyst has well-defined and uniform surface openings, so it needs only one step to convert low-density polyethylene into a gasoline-type product.

    • Zheng Zhang
    • Kinga Gora-Marek
    • Ignacio Melián-Cabrera
    Brief Communication