Reviews & Analysis

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  • Different cells can have very different three-dimensional morphologies. We present the computational framework u-signal3D that calculates the spatial scales at which molecules are organized on the surfaces of heterogeneously shaped cells, enabling high-throughput analyses and subsequent machine learning applications.

    Research Briefing
  • A reinforcement-learning-based framework is proposed for assisting urban planners in the complex task of optimizing the spatial design of urban communities.

    • Paolo Santi
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  • Graph neural networks (GNNs) present a promising route for machine learning of solid-state materials’ properties, but methods capable of directly predicting defect properties from ideal, defect-free structures are needed. A GNN developed for direct defect property predictions enables high-throughput screening of redox-active oxides for energy applications and beyond.

    Research Briefing
  • The dissipation and bending of light waves by atmospheric turbulence adversely affects infrared imaging, leading to grayscale drift, distortion, and blurring. A deep learning method has been developed to both extract the two-dimensional atmospheric turbulence strength fields and obtain clear and stable images from turbulence-distorted infrared images.

    Research Briefing
  • A hierarchical Bayesian method identifies cell-type specific changes in gene regulatory circuits in disease by integrating single-cell and three-dimensional measurements of the genome.

    • Pawel F. Przytycki
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  • While the adherence to fairness constraints has become common practice in the design of algorithms across many contexts, a more holistic approach should be taken to avoid inflicting additional burdens on individuals in all groups, including those in marginalized communities.

    • Alex Chohlas-Wood
    • Madison Coots
    • Julian Nyarko
  • A recent work introduces a cellular deconvolution method, MeDuSA, of estimating cell-state abundance along a one-dimensional trajectory from bulk RNA-seq data with fine resolution and high accuracy, enabling the characterization of cell-state transition in various biological processes.

    • Zheyang Zhang
    • Jialiang Huang
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  • Real-time mobility data capturing city-wide human movement can be used to characterize cities, their segregation, and population responses to exogenous events such as pandemics.

    • James Bagrow
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  • Deep learning is used to accelerate the inference of genetic clusters, allowing the analysis of hundreds of thousands of human genomic datasets in a computationally efficient way.

    • Chris C. R. Smith
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  • The field of human mobility has evolved drastically in the past 20 years. In this Perspective, the authors discuss three key areas in human mobility, framed as minds, societies and algorithms, where they expect to see substantial improvements in the future.

    • Luca Pappalardo
    • Ed Manley
    • Laura Alessandretti
  • Increasing the number of parameters in a quantum neural network leads to a computational ‘phase transition’, beyond which training the network becomes significantly easier. An algebraic theory has been developed for this overparametrization phenomenon and predicts its onset above a certain parameter threshold.

    Research Briefing
  • GRAPE is a software resource for graph processing, learning and embedding that is orders of magnitude faster than existing state-of-the-art libraries. GRAPE can quickly process real-world graphs with millions of nodes and billions of edges, enabling complex graph analyses and research in graph-based machine learning and in diverse disciplines.

    Research Briefing
  • The carbon footprint of computational sciences is substantial, but there is an immense opportunity to lead the way towards sustainable research. In this Perspective the authors lay some fundamental principles to transform computational science into an exemplar of broad societal impact and sustainability.

    • Loïc Lannelongue
    • Hans-Erik G. Aronson
    • Michael Inouye
  • Artificial photosynthesis has the potential to capture and store solar energy in the form of chemical bonds. Computational approaches provide useful guidelines for the experimental design of photosynthetic devices, but to make this possible, many challenges must be overcome.

    • Ke R. Yang
    • Gregory W. Kyro
    • Victor S. Batista
  • A momentum-space algorithm is proposed to simulate electron dynamics with time-dependent density functional theory, which expands the scope of conventional real-space methods.

    • Marco Bernardi
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