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Quantum circuit synthesis with diffusion models

A preprint version of the article is available at arXiv.


Quantum computing has recently emerged as a transformative technology. Yet, its promised advantages rely on efficiently translating quantum operations into viable physical realizations. Here we use generative machine learning models, specifically denoising diffusion models (DMs), to facilitate this transformation. Leveraging text conditioning, we steer the model to produce desired quantum operations within gate-based quantum circuits. Notably, DMs allow to sidestep during training the exponential overhead inherent in the classical simulation of quantum dynamics—a consistent bottleneck in preceding machine learning techniques. We demonstrate the model’s capabilities across two tasks: entanglement generation and unitary compilation. The model excels at generating new circuits and supports typical DM extensions such as masking and editing to, for instance, align the circuit generation to the constraints of the targeted quantum device. Given their flexibility and generalization abilities, we envision DMs as pivotal in quantum circuit synthesis, both enhancing practical applications and providing insights into theoretical quantum computation.

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Fig. 1: Quantum circuit generation pipeline summary.
Fig. 2: Entanglement generation.
Fig. 3: Masking and editing circuits.
Fig. 4: Unitary compilation.

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Data availability

The weights of the models trained for entanglement generation and for unitary compilation used to produce the figures presented in this paper can be found at (ref. 23). The datasets are not shared due to space constraints but can easily be generated with the released code. All necessary details are provided in Methods.

Code availability

All the resources necessary to reproduce the results in this paper are accessible at (ref. 23). The code is given in the form of a Python library, genQC, which allows the user to train new models, generate circuits from pre-trained models as well as fine-tune the latter at will. The library also contains multiple examples that will guide the user through the various applications of the proposed method.


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G.M.-G. acknowledges funding from the European Union. H.J.B. acknowledges funding from the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) through [10.55776/F71] (BeyondC), the Volkswagen Foundation (Az: 97721), and the European Union (ERC Advanced Grant, QuantAI, no. 101055129). Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union, European Commission, European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), nor any other granting authority.

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Conceptualization: G.M.-G. and H.J.B. Methodology: F.F. and G.M.-G. Software: F.F. Formal analysis: F.F., G.M.-G. and H.J.B. Writing: G.M.-G., F.F. and H.J.B.

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Correspondence to Gorka Muñoz-Gil.

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Extended data

Extended Data Fig. 1 Quantum circuit tensor encoding.

(a) Schematic representation of the gate embeddings for a single and multi qubit gate. (b) Quantum circuit encoding and decoding pipeline. For encoding (green arrows), an input quantum circuit (top left) is first tokenized based on the proposed vocabulary. Then, the token matrix is transformed into a continuous tensor based on the chosen embeddings vi (bottom right). In order to decode a continuous tensor into a circuit (blue arrows), we first use the cosine similarity between input embeddings and the ones assigned to existing tokens to generate a tokenized matrix, which is then transformed back into a circuit by means of the vocabulary. The transformation between circuits and tokens depends on such vocabulary, and can be changed at will to cope with the desired computing framework or platform. Further details are given in text.

Extended Data Fig. 2 Entanglement generation dataset distribution.

Characteristics of the training dataset used for the entanglement generation task, sampled according to Extended Data Table 1 and balanced as described in Methods, Training section. Depending on the training step (max or bucket padding, see aforementioned section), we sample batches either from the whole dataset or buckets containing circuits of fixed number of qubits. (a) Number of distinct circuits as a function of the number of qubits. For lower qubit counts, less distinct circuits exist, resulting in an inevitable lower number in the training dataset. (b) Distribution of circuit lengths, which are in this case multiples of the U-Net scaling factor 4, due to the length padding explained in Methods, Pipeline and Architectures section.

Extended Data Fig. 3 Machine learning architectures.

(a) Scheme of the denoising U-Net architecture predicting the noise ϵθ(xt, t, c). First, we project the input tensor features into a higher space through a convolutional layer (red) and then apply a 2D positional sinusoidal encoding. Then, we apply a typical encoder-decoder structure, with skip connections scaled with \(1/\sqrt{2}\). The time step encoding t is injected into residual convolution layers (turquoise). The condition embeddings c are input to the residual transformer blocks (purple) as detailed in the Method’s Pipeline and Architecture section. All the transformer blocks have a residual connection. (b) Scheme of the unitary encoder used to transform input unitaries into conditionings.

Extended Data Fig. 4 Generated circuit lengths distributions.

Distribution of circuit lengths w.r.t. to the number of entangled qubits for: (a) the training (balanced) dataset of Extended Data Fig. 2 filtered for 5 qubit circuits; (b-c) generated circuits with an input tensor constraining a maximum of 16 and 24 gates, respectively.

Extended Data Table 1 Dataset sampling parameters
Extended Data Table 2 Training parameters
Extended Data Table 3 Sampling parameters

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Fürrutter, F., Muñoz-Gil, G. & Briegel, H.J. Quantum circuit synthesis with diffusion models. Nat Mach Intell 6, 515–524 (2024).

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