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Homologue interactions during meiosis

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Homologue interactions during meiosis
During chromosome pairing that is independent of double-stranded break (DSB) formation (alignment), regions of local distortion might allow homology to be sensed. During DSB-dependent homologue interactions (pairing and nascent interactions), 3' single-stranded regions engage in interactions with the homologous chromosome. During synapsis and synaptonemal complex (SC) formation, 3' ssDNA ends stably invade the homologue. The synaptonemal complex, a proteinaceous structure, forms between homologous chromosomes. During this phase, the invading strand is extended by DNA synthesis. Once the strand is recaptured, a double Holliday junction forms.

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How is the same process responsible for genetic recombination and diversity also the cause of aneuploidy? Understanding the steps of meiosis is essential to learning how errors occur.
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