Wind energy articles within Nature Communications


  • Article
    | Open Access

    Vertical-axis wind turbines offer untapped opportunities for energy generation but suffer from dynamic stall in strong winds. Here, authors implement individual blade pitch control to benefit from stall vortices instead of suppressing them, tripling the power coefficient and reducing load transients by 70%.

    • Sébastien Le Fouest
    •  & Karen Mulleners
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Offshore wind power may play a key role in decarbonising energy supplies. Here the authors evaluates current grid integration capabilities for wind power in China and find that investment levels should be doubled for 2030, and that long-term storage and transmissions are key to accelerated developments of offshore wind in 2050.

    • Xinyang Guo
    • , Xinyu Chen
    •  & Michael McElroy