Vision disorders articles within Nature Communications


  • Article
    | Open Access

    The amount of genetic material that can be packaged in AAV vectors used for genome editing is limited. Here the authors show that the smallest known Cas9 orthologue, cjCas9, can be packaged in a single AAV vector along with sgRNA and a marker gene, and demonstrate efficient gene editing in mice.

    • Eunji Kim
    • , Taeyoung Koo
    •  & Jin-Soo Kim
  • Article |

    Failure to attend to visual cues is a common consequence of visual cortical injury. Here, the authors demonstrate that auditory–visual cross-modal behavioural training leads to neural plasticity and reinstatement of visuomotor competency in animals rendered unilaterally blind by visual cortical removal.

    • Huai Jiang
    • , Barry E. Stein
    •  & John G. McHaffie