Pure mathematics articles within Nature Communications


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    Fano varieties are mathematical shapes that are basic units in geometry, they are challenging to classify in high dimensions. The authors introduce a machine learning approach that picks out geometric structure from complex mathematical data where rigorous analytical methods are lacking.

    • Tom Coates
    • , Alexander M. Kasprzyk
    •  & Sara Veneziale
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    It is an outstanding question in quantum gravity how to describe the emergence of classical spacetime geometry from a quantum state. Here, the authors propose a construction in the context of the gauge/gravity correspondence, producing the classical geometry from a quantum state at the boundary of spacetime.

    • Robert J. Berman
    • , Tristan C. Collins
    •  & Daniel Persson
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    Classifying groups is an important challenge in mathematics and has led to the identification of groups which do not belong to the main families. Here Duncan et al. introduce a type of moonshine which is a connection between these groups, number theory and potentially physics.

    • John F. R. Duncan
    • , Michael H. Mertens
    •  & Ken Ono
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    | Open Access

    Strings or long chains are prone to knotting. Here, the authors demonstrate that the vortex structure of quantum wavefunctions, such as that in a simple harmonic oscillator, can also contain knots, whose topological complexity can be a descriptor of the spatial order of the system.

    • Alexander J. Taylor
    •  & Mark R. Dennis