Physical examination articles within Nature Communications


  • Article
    | Open Access

    Artificial intelligence has become popular as a cancer classification tool, but there is distrust of such systems due to their lack of transparency. Here, the authors develop an explainable AI system which produces text- and region-based explanations alongside its classifications which was assessed using clinicians’ diagnostic accuracy, diagnostic confidence, and their trust in the system.

    • Tirtha Chanda
    • , Katja Hauser
    •  & Titus J. Brinker
  • Article
    | Open Access

    The unequal distribution of medical resources means that bronchoscopic services are often unavailable in underdeveloped areas. Here, the authors present an AI co-pilot bronchoscope robot that features a user-friendly plug-and-play catheter and an AI-human shared control algorithm, to enable novice doctors to conduct lung examinations safely.

    • Jingyu Zhang
    • , Lilu Liu
    •  & Haojian Lu