Paediatric cancer articles within Nature


  • Article |

    Multi-omic mapping shows that group 3 and group 4 medulloblastomas have a common, human-specific developmental origin in the cerebellar rhombic lip, providing a basis for their ambiguous molecular features and overlapping anatomical location, and for the difficulty of modelling these tumours in mice.

    • Kyle S. Smith
    • , Laure Bihannic
    •  & Paul A. Northcott
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Analyses of genomes from 914 children, adolescents, and young adults provide a comprehensive resource of genomic alterations across a spectrum of common childhood cancers.

    • Susanne N. Gröbner
    • , Barbara C. Worst
    •  & Stefan M. Pfister
  • Article |

    Genomic studies of the paediatric brain tumour medulloblastoma have revealed four clinically distinct molecular subgroups; here active gene regulatory elements in 28 primary medulloblastoma tissues are mapped to reveal differentially regulated enhancers across the different subgroups, allowing insights into the transcription factors that characterize subgroup divergence and the cellular origin of the poorly characterized Group 3 and 4 subgroups.

    • Charles Y. Lin
    • , Serap Erkek
    •  & Paul A. Northcott
  • Article |

    To address the question of whether a recurrent tumour is genetically similar to the tumour at diagnosis, the evolution of medulloblastoma has been studied in both an in vivo mouse model of clinical tumour therapy as well as in humans with recurrent disease; targeted tumour therapies are usually based on targets present in the tumour at diagnosis but the results from this study indicate that post-treatment recurring tumours (compared with the tumour at diagnosis) have undergone substantial clonal divergence of the initial dominant tumour clone.

    • A. Sorana Morrissy
    • , Livia Garzia
    •  & Michael D. Taylor
  • Outlook |

    Carcinogens are all around us, so scientists are broadening their ideas of environmental risk.

    • Rebecca Kessler
  • Letter |

    Medulloblastoma is a malignant childhood brain tumour presenting major clinical challenges; here, a comprehensive genome-wide DNA methylation data set from human and mouse tumours, coupled with analysis of histone modifications, RNA transcripts and genome sequencing, uncovers a wealth of alterations that provide insights into the epigenetic regulation of transcription and genome organization in medulloblastoma pathogenesis.

    • Volker Hovestadt
    • , David T. W. Jones
    •  & Peter Lichter
  • Letter |

    Mutations in the subunits of BAF chromatin-remodelling complexes are frequently found in human cancer; here deletion of BAF subunits or expression of mutants of the ATPase subunit BRG1 attenuates genome-wide binding of topoisomerase IIα, resulting in tangled chromosomes, anaphase bridges and G2/M arrest.

    • Emily C. Dykhuizen
    • , Diana C. Hargreaves
    •  & Gerald R. Crabtree
  • Letter
    | Open Access

    Medulloblastoma is the most common brain tumour in children; using whole-genome sequencing of tumour samples the authors show that the clinically challenging Group 3 and 4 tumours can be tetraploid, and reveal the expression of the first medulloblastoma fusion genes identified.

    • David T. W. Jones
    • , Natalie Jäger
    •  & Peter Lichter