Non-model organisms articles within Nature Communications


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    Recent phylogenetic analyses have identified orphan clades, including Xenacoelomorphs, that can offer insights into bilaterian evolution. Here they generate a cell type atlas of Xenoturbella bockithat highlights cellular diversity in the nervous system and other tissues, reinforcing the idea of parallel evolution of cell types across animals.

    • Helen E. Robertson
    • , Arnau Sebé-Pedrós
    •  & Heather Marlow
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    Despite their key role in the evolution of mammals, the origin and diversification of tooth classes (incisors, canines, premolars and molars) remain relatively obscure. Here the authors use integrative approaches to explain the independent evolution and rapid diversification of two tooth classes, premolar and molars, in noctilionoid bats.

    • Alexa Sadier
    • , Neal Anthwal
    •  & Karen E. Sears
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    The venomous stinging cells of jellyfish, anemones, and corals contain an organelle, the nematocyst, which explosively discharges a venom-laden thread. Here, the authors describe the nematocyst thread and its sub-structures in the sea anemone N. vectensis, revealing a complexity and sophistication underpinning this cellular weapon.

    • Ahmet Karabulut
    • , Melainia McClain
    •  & Matthew C. Gibson
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    Data-independent acquisition-mass spectrometry (MS) typically requires many preparatory MS runs to produce experiment-specific spectral libraries. Here, the authors show that empirical correction of in silico predicted spectral libraries enables efficient generation of high-quality experiment-specific libraries.

    • Brian C. Searle
    • , Kristian E. Swearingen
    •  & Mathias Wilhelm
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    Classic monodirectional promoters are of limited use for multiple gene co-expression. Here the authors generate a library of 168 bidirectional promoters for the yeast K. phaffii (syn. P. pastoris) with diverse expression profiles to optimize metabolic pathway design.

    • Thomas Vogl
    • , Thomas Kickenweiz
    •  & Anton Glieder