Multicellular systems articles within Nature


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    Single-cell RNA sequencing and single-molecule RNA transcript imaging have been used to characterize spatially and temporally resolved mouse liver and parasite expression programmes during infection with the rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium berghei ANKA.

    • Amichay Afriat
    • , Vanessa Zuzarte-Luís
    •  & Shalev Itzkovitz
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Systematic measurements of the interactions between proteins found on the surfaces of human leukocytes provides a global view of the way that immune cells are dynamically connected by receptors.

    • Jarrod Shilts
    • , Yannik Severin
    •  & Gavin J. Wright
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    An organoid-based screening platform maps the genetic interactions underlying intestinal development and regeneration, showing that retinoic acid metabolism maintains the balance between regeneration and homeostasis, and that an antagonist of the retinoid X receptor promotes regeneration in vivo.

    • Ilya Lukonin
    • , Denise Serra
    •  & Prisca Liberali
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    Profiling of 53,193 individual epithelial cells from the mouse small intestine identifies previously unknown cell subtypes and corresponding gene markers, providing insight into gut homeostasis and response to pathogens.

    • Adam L. Haber
    • , Moshe Biton
    •  & Aviv Regev
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    Little is known about how individual cells within a group of cells exposed to the same external signals can produce a specific individual response to their local microenvironment; a quantitative analysis of cell crowding reveals that single cells can autonomously sense local crowding though their ability to spread and activate focal adhesion kinase (FAK), which ultimately results in changes in cellular lipid composition.

    • Mathieu Frechin
    • , Thomas Stoeger
    •  & Lucas Pelkmans
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    A study from the FANTOM consortium using single-molecule cDNA sequencing of transcription start sites and their usage in human and mouse primary cells, cell lines and tissues reveals insights into the specificity and diversity of transcription patterns across different mammalian cell types.

    • Alistair R. R. Forrest
    • , Hideya Kawaji
    •  & Yoshihide Hayashizaki