Ionic liquids articles within Nature Communications


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    Chemical recycling of plastic wastes is of great significance for sustainable development, which also represents challenges and opportunities for synthesis of value-added chemicals. Here, the authors report a general strategy to degrade polyesters via directly breaking the C-O bond by nucleophilic substitution of halide anion of ionic liquids.

    • Wei Zeng
    • , Yanfei Zhao
    •  & Zhimin Liu
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    Liquid−liquid transitions (LLTs) have been reported for some molecular systems but are difficult to observe under high pressure conditions. Here the authors report and characterize a first-order LLT in a series of ionic liquids containing the trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium cation and anions of different sizes and shapes, using calorimetric and dielectric measurements.

    • Zaneta Wojnarowska
    • , Shinian Cheng
    •  & Marian Paluch
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    Basic ionic liquids provide a buffering effect that enables the efficient synthesis of free formic acid from CO2 hydrogenation. Here, a highly efficient catalytic system that transforms CO2 to formic acid without the need of strong bases is demonstrated, avoiding the formation of formate salts.

    • Andreas Weilhard
    • , Stephen P. Argent
    •  & Victor Sans
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    The development of novel liquid-based electronics requires a new class of liquid electronic materials with combined fluidic, freestanding, and conducting properties. Here, the authors demonstrate a self-healing crystal-confined ionic liquid that shows fluidic and solid-like functionality.

    • Naiwei Gao
    • , Yonglin He
    •  & Yapei Wang
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    Developing sustainable and scalable nanocrystal syntheses is challenging but necessary for future technologies and the environment. Here, the authors show that using an ionic liquid to stabilize a highly reactive precursor can fulfill the major aims of sustainable nanocrystal synthesis, including high yields, energy efficiency, atom economy, and recyclability.

    • Bin Yuan
    • , Timothy Karl Egner
    •  & Ludovico Cademartiri
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    | Open Access

    Crystallization kinetics of metal-organic frameworks in conventional organic solvents are usually very slow. Here, the authors show that an ionic liquid medium accelerates considerably the formation of Zr-based metal-organic frameworks that are active catalysts in the Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley reaction.

    • Xinxin Sang
    • , Jianling Zhang
    •  & Buxing Han