Eye cancer articles within Nature


  • Letter |

    The nature of the retinal cell-type-specific circuitry that predisposes to retinoblastoma is demonstrated, in which a program that is unique to post-mitotic human cone precursors sensitizes to the oncogenic effects of retinoblastoma (Rb) protein depletion; hence, the loss of Rb collaborates with the molecular framework of cone precursors to initiate tumorigenesis.

    • Xiaoliang L. Xu
    • , Hardeep P. Singh
    •  & David Cobrinik
  • News & Views |

    Genomic analyses of tumours of the childhood cancer retinoblastoma reveal a low mutation rate, challenging the view that genomic instability is crucial for its progression. The work also identifies a new therapeutic target. See Article p.329

    • Julien Sage
    •  & Michael L. Cleary
  • Autumn Books |

    Steve Silberman is moved by Oliver Sacks's poignant account of losing his vision through cancer.

    • Steve Silberman
  • Letter |

    α-N-methylation is an unusual post-translational modification in which the amino-terminal residues of proteins are methylated. One example is the Ran guanine nucleotide-exchange factor, RCC1, which requires methylation for its association with chromatin. These authors describe the first α-N-methyltransferase, named N-terminal RCC1 methyltransferase (NRMT). They identify the NRMT recognition sequence and several new methylation targets, and demonstrate the importance of α-N-methylation for normal bipolar spindle formation and chromosome segregation.

    • Christine E. Schaner Tooley
    • , Janusz J. Petkowski
    •  & Ian G. Macara