Emergence articles within Nature Communications


  • Article
    | Open Access

    Ant and honeybee workers specialize on certain tasks and also on zones within the nest; but how do they avoid straying into the wrong zone? The authors conduct automated tracking experiments following thousands of individuals, revealing that workers use context-dependent rules to navigate inside the nest.

    • Thomas O. Richardson
    • , Nathalie Stroeymeyt
    •  & Laurent Keller
  • Article
    | Open Access

    Phase separation phenomena have emerged as being of critical importance in biology. Here, using colony formation in C. elegans as model, the authors demonstrate that the basic concepts that underpin phase separation at a molecular level also apply to collective phenomena at the level of a population of organisms.

    • Yuping Chen
    •  & James E. Ferrell Jr.
  • Article
    | Open Access

    There are many examples of cell populations exhibiting density-dependent collective oscillatory behaviour. Here, the authors show that sustained collective oscillations emerge when cells anticipate variation in signal and attempt to amplify it, a property that can be linked to adaptation.

    • Shou-Wen Wang
    •  & Lei-Han Tang