Cancer screening articles within Nature


  • Article |

    Circulating tumour DNA in blood is analysed to identify genomic features that distinguish early-stage lung cancer patients from risk-matched controls, and these are integrated into a machine-learning method for blood-based lung cancer screening.

    • Jacob J. Chabon
    • , Emily G. Hamilton
    •  & Maximilian Diehn
  • Letter |

    Analyses of fragmentation patterns of cell-free DNA in the blood of patients with cancer and healthy individuals using a machine learning algorithm provide a proof-of principle approach for the early detection and screening of human cancer.

    • Stephen Cristiano
    • , Alessandro Leal
    •  & Victor E. Velculescu
  • Outlook |

    Much of the world is ill-equipped to cope with its rising cancer burden and are pushing prevention and screening.

    • Eric Bender
  • Outlook |

    Pap tests have been a mainstay of cervical cancer screening, but new tests, vaccines and knowledge might be changing that, including when and how frequently to test.

    • Courtney Humphries
  • Editorial |

    The US government must take a firm stance on whether prostate-cancer screening is justified.

  • Outlook |

    The sooner a cancer is found, the better. New technologies are pushing the limits of detection — towards the frontier of prevention.

    • Neil Savage