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Asked by: JERY JOY
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Hello Jery,
DNA is a negatively charged polymer that is made up of nucleotide building blocks. Before we discuss where its negative charge comes from, let’s take a close-up view of the nucleotide monomers that make up DNA.

Four different nucleotides are covalently linked to build DNA molecules: adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). Each nucleotide consists of a phosphate group, a deoxyribose sugar group, and a nitrogenous base. Nucleotides are covalently linked to one another via the formation of phosphodiester bonds between the sugar group of one nucleotide and the phosphate group of a second nucleotide.

As you likely know, most DNA is found in a double-stranded form with complementary base pairing between the two DNA strands: A pairs with T, and C pairs with G. The formation of phosphodiester bonds between adjacent nucleotides forms alternating sugar and phosphate groups, called the “sugar-phosphate backbone” of a DNA molecule. Furthermore, DNA forms a double helix. In a nutshell, the structure of DNA can be thought of as a twisted ladder with its complementary base pairs making up the rungs of the ladder and the sugar-phosphate backbone of each strand making up each side of the ladder.

So, where does DNA’s negative charge come from? The phosphate groups that make up the sugar-phosphate backbone are responsible. You might be interested to read that molecular biologists capitalize on this property of DNA to isolate DNA fragments of differing sizes. Because DNA is negatively charged, molecular biologists often use agarose gel electrophoresis to separate different sized DNA fragments when DNA samples are subjected to an electric field — due to their negative charge, all of the DNA fragments will migrate toward the positively charged electrode, but smaller DNA fragments will migrate at a faster pace than larger DNA fragments. This simple, yet powerful, technique allows researchers to isolate DNA fragments of different sizes.

Supercoiling is a term used to describe what happens when the two strands of a double-stranded, double helical DNA molecule are separated from each other, which occurs during DNA replication and transcription. One way to visualize supercoiling is to think about what happens when you twist a rubber band and then hold onto one end of it while trying to open it in the middle — the original coils will twist on top of each other to form a condensed, twisted ball. This is what supercoiling is like.

Prokaryotic and eukaryotic chromosomal DNA is organized in different ways. Due to the circular nature of most prokaryotic chromosomes, they are often highly supercoiled under normal growth conditions. In contrast, eukaryotic chromosomes are linear and packaged using histone proteins, which are not present in most prokaryotic cells. As a result, eukaryotic chromosomes are not nearly as supercoiled as prokaryotic chromosomes. Intriguingly, genomes can be negatively supercoiled, (i.e., the DNA is twisted in the opposite direction of the double helix) or positively supercoiled (i.e., the DNA is twisted in the same direction as the double helix). We encourage you to follow the links we’ve provided below to learn more about this fascinating process.

For more information about DNA and its nucleotide building blocks, check out these links:

To learn more about DNA supercoiling and DNA packaging, follow these links:

To learn more about agarose gel electrophoresis, check out these links:
Reply From:  Nature Education    Sep 09, 2010 08:57AM
why DNA become negativily charged
Asked by: Mithun Thampi
Latest Reply:
Hi Mithun,
DNA is a negatively charged polymer that is made up of nucleotide building blocks. Before we discuss where its negative charge comes from, let’s take a close-up view of the nucleotide monomers that make up DNA.

Four different nucleotides are covalently linked to build DNA molecules: adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). Each nucleotide consists of a phosphate group, a deoxyribose sugar group, and a nitrogenous base. Nucleotides are covalently linked to one another via the formation of phosphodiester bonds between the sugar group of one nucleotide and the phosphate group of a second nucleotide.

As you likely know, most DNA is found in a double-stranded form with complementary base pairing between the two DNA strands: A pairs with T, and C pairs with G. The formation of phosphodiester bonds between adjacent nucleotides forms alternating sugar and phosphate groups, called the “sugar-phosphate backbone” of a DNA molecule. Furthermore, DNA forms a double helix. In a nutshell, the structure of DNA can be thought of as a twisted ladder with its complementary base pairs making up the rungs of the ladder and the sugar-phosphate backbone of each strand making up each side of the ladder.

So, where does DNA’s negative charge come from? The phosphate groups that make up the sugar-phosphate backbone are responsible. You might be interested to read that molecular biologists capitalize on this property of DNA to isolate DNA fragments of differing sizes. Because DNA is negatively charged, molecular biologists often use agarose gel electrophoresis to separate different sized DNA fragments when DNA samples are subjected to an electric field — due to their negative charge, all the DNA fragments will migrate toward the positively charged electrode, but smaller DNA fragments will migrate at a faster pace than larger DNA fragments. This simple, yet powerful, technique allows researchers to isolate DNA fragments of different sizes. We hope you’ll check out the links below to learn more about DNA structure and the phosphate groups that make up its backbone.

For more information about DNA and its nucleotide building blocks, check out these links:

To learn more about agarose gel electrophoresis, check out these links:
Reply From:  Nature Education    Sep 09, 2010 08:54AM
Can u help to clarify genetics and breeding of eggplant? color,shapeand disease resistance genes information.....
Asked by: Sanjeevsingh Rajaput
Latest Reply:
Welcome back Sanjeevsingh,
You seem interested in broadening your interests beyond peppers to learn about eggplant genetics and breeding. In particular, you’d like to learn more about genes and breeding strategies linked to eggplant color, shape, and disease-resistance. Let’s start by providing you with some background information about eggplants, then we’ll help you search for answers to your specific questions.

Eggplants belong to the genus Solanum. Although eggplants are native to India, they are grown throughout the world. In line with our previous answers to your questions about pepper plants, the Solanum genus includes many different varieties of eggplants that come in different sizes, shapes, and colors (e.g., purple, green, white). As you noted, eggplants are also susceptible to many types of pathogens and insects — with bacteria and fungal wilts being the most detrimental.

As we mentioned in our previous answer about peppers, spontaneous mutations are often responsible for the variety of traits within populations. By selecting desirable traits and breeding Solanum plants, people have been able to develop all the different varieties of eggplants.

To help you track down some answers to your specific questions about eggplant genes and breeding strategies associated with diverse traits (e.g., color, shape, disease-resistance), we encourage you to carry out some searches using the PubMed website or Google Scholar to identify research articles:

You might want to try using the following some general queries to begin: “Solanum” and “genes”; or “eggplant” and “genes.” Then, you might want to carry out some more specific searches using additional search terms, such as: “eggplant/Solanum” and “genes” and “color”; or “eggplant/ Solanum” and “genes” and “disease-resistance”; or “eggplant/ Solanum” and “shape” and “genes.” You might also want to include the search term “breeding” in your searches. If you’d like to obtain review articles related to these topics, you might also want to include the search term “review.”

We’ve also identified some articles in our own searches that may help you get started. Best of luck to you with your searches!

Please follow these links to learn more about eggplant breeding and genetics:
Reply From:  Nature Education    Sep 08, 2010 09:59AM
capsicum color determining genes and their selection in open field conditions?
Asked by: Sanjeevsingh Rajaput
Latest Reply:
Hello again Sanjeevsingh,
Now, you’d like to know about genes that determine the color of Capsicum fruits and how they are selected in open field conditions. This is a great question! As we discussed previously, Capsicum is a genus that includes many different types of peppers. These peppers range in intensity from mild bell peppers to hot chili peppers. They also come in a wide variety of colors, sizes, and shapes. Although they were first domesticated in the Americas, many different Capsicum varieties have been bred since then.

As we mentioned in our previous answer, spontaneous mutations are often responsible for the variety of traits within populations. By selecting desirable traits and breeding Capsicum plants, people have been able to develop different varieties of peppers, including different colored peppers.

In order to answer your specific question about genes determining Capsicum color in open fields, we encourage you to try some searches using the PubMed website or Google Scholar to identify primary research articles:

You might want to try using the following query to begin: “capsicum” and “color” and “genes.” If you’d like to obtain review articles related to these topics, you might also want to include the search term “review.”

We’ve also identified some articles in our own searches that may help you get started. Happy reading — and best of luck to you!

Please follow these links to two articles that discuss genes linked to Capsicum color:
Reply From:  Nature Education    Sep 08, 2010 09:48AM
The early general belief that proteins were more likely to be the carrier of genetic information than DNA was because
Asked by: Nana Aidoo
Latest Reply:
Hello again Nana,
What fueled the early belief that proteins — and not DNA — were most likely the carrier of genetic information? Let’s start by reviewing the monomer building blocks that make up each of these molecules to help us understand why proteins were once considered the most likely carriers of genetic information.

Nucleotides are the monomer units that make up DNA. There are four different DNA nucleotides — adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T) — each of which contains a phosphate, a deoxyribose sugar, and a nitrogenous base. Nucleotides are covalently linked to one another via the formation of a phosphodiester bond between the sugar group of one nucleotide and the phosphate group of a second nucleotide. It is the order of nucleotides in DNA that makes up an organism’s genetic code.

Amino acids are the monomer units that make up proteins, and there are twenty different types of amino acids. Each amino acid comprises a central carbon atom linked to a carboxylic acid group, a nitrogen-containing group called an amine, a hydrogen atom, and one of twenty different side chain groups that defines the amino acid. Amino acids are covalently linked to each other via the formation of a peptide bond between the carboxylic acid group of one amino acid and the amino group of a second amino acid.

The quick answer to your question is that early molecular biologists predicted that proteins, rather than DNA, were the carriers of genetic information because the number of protein building blocks (i.e., twenty different amino acids) greatly outnumbered the number of DNA building blocks (i.e., four different nucleotides).

How can four different nucleotides encode the information required to produce proteins built of twenty different amino acids? As you likely know, DNA serves as a template for transcription to produce messenger RNA (mRNA). The resulting mRNA molecules are made up of codons, which are three nucleotide units used by the translation machinery to produce proteins. Each spot in a codon can be occupied by one of four nucleotides: A, U, G, and C. Four possibilities at each spot in a codon lead to 64 possible nucleotide combinations or codons (4 x 4 x 4 = 64 total).

All 64 codons are observed in cells, but all do not encode amino acids. UAA, UAG, and UAG are stop codons, so called because they signal the end of protein synthesis. The remaining 61 codons represent amino acids. The strange thing is that there are only twenty different amino acids. Why have 61 codons for only 20 amino acids? Why have three different stop codons? There are several theories out there (and even a few examples of deviations from the usual codons), and this is an active area of investigation. We encourage you to review the links we’ve provided below to learn more about the key roles played by DNA and proteins in cells.

For more information about DNA and its nucleotide building blocks, check out these links:

To learn more about amino acids, proteins, and translation, follow these links:

And here are some helpful animations focused on DNA, proteins, transcription, and translation:
Reply From:  Nature Education    Sep 08, 2010 09:42AM
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