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Moderated by  Laura Hoopes
Posted on: December 17, 2010
Posted By: Laura Hoopes

Democratic Scientist Is Redundant?

Aa Aa Aa

Dear Friends of Women in Science,

Recently there was an article in Slate (go here) called Lab Politics by Daniel Sarewitz. He revealed that most scientists in the US are Democrats, based on a poll by Pew Research in 2009, and argued that this assymetry erodes the power of science to sway political debates. Pew found 55% of scientists are Democrats, 6% are Republicans, 35% are independents, and the rest "don't know" their party affiliation. He argues that it matters a lot in issues like global climate change, saying "The results of climate science, delivered by scientists who are overwhelmingly Democratic, are used over a period of decades to advance a political agenda that happens to align precisely with the ideological preferences of Democrats. Coincidence-or causation?" In other words, because the methods to address the problem come from the scientist-Democrats, of course they are aligned with Democrat priorities. Sarewitz implies that if Republican scientists had pointed out climate change, they would have advocated methods to deal with it that aligned better with Republican core beliefs.

How might this divide be addressed? Sarewitz says, "It doesn't seem plausible that the dearth of Republican scientists has the same causes as the under-representation of women or minorities in science. I doubt that teachers are telling young Republicans that math is too hard for them, as they sometimes do with girls; or that socioeconomic factors are making it difficult for Republican students to succeed in science, as is the case for some ethnic minority groups." He says that scientists need to discuss this issue and find some new way to address it.

What do you thinK?

A This issue is not important for women in science to consider. Let AAAS take it up.

B Women in science could be hurt if funds were diverted from efforts to increase gender diversity into efforts to increase political diversity.

C Women are experts in how to make science more inclusive, so we should get behind the push to get more Republican scientists

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From:  Genuine Dock |  May 31, 2018

As you said in another thread, make the classes more comfortable and accessible, and you'll end up making a better class overall.

A key aspect would be discussing applications. How does what we do as scientists in the lab relate to what people do in industries that use that work? Biotech, space, laser tracking to find military targets, etc. Science is used in ways that are not clear when you're an undergraduate. Focus on some applications of the science and technology and you'll be more welcoming to those who are interested in that. For example, I was shocked to learn through a chat with a colleague that the same algorithm I used to track cells moving in a tissue is the one they use (with tweaks) to track militant activities in Iraq....strange but true.

From:  hmcbride2000 |  January 10, 2011

Me too! I guess, though, that we're all reaching for anything that might attract or alienate the proto Republican students among our classes, so they could be attracted to science. Although I am almost certain no science prof sets out to alienate them, according to the survey I read most scientists are self-avowed Democrats. Of course, most profs are in general, but it's even more skewed for scientists than for academics.

From:  Laura Hoopes |  January 10, 2011

I think you're still talking about seeing yourself reflected in a role model/professor. If you dress well, then when a prof dresses well, you can picture yourself in his shoes. And if you come to work in jeans and an old T-shirt everyday, then you appreciate those who look like you...or at least look uncomfortable in a sport coat. We make judgements about people and their values based on what they wear (or don't wear) all the time as women. This is just an instance in a classroom. Personally, I'd just like to see more women as teachers in university classrooms! I don't care how they dress.

From:  hmcbride2000 |  January 6, 2011

I had a double major in Econ and Mo Bio work in my lab once and he wore dress shirts to lab every day, and nice slacks. My other students' eyebrows were raised at first, but when they saw that his science was good, they let him off the hook. So maybe prof dress is a hidden signal, who knows?

From:  Laura Hoopes |  January 4, 2011

LOL, I don't think this is about clothes. Although who knows, I do recall some comments about dress on student evaluations, comments that I considered out of line but they could be a clue. For sure, the male bio, chem, physics profs dress in T shirts or golf shirts while the Econ profs dress in dress shirts, often with flashy cufflinks. The few women in econ don't dress down either. Oh, darn. I don't want to go there.

From:  Small Science Woman |  December 31, 2010

Okay, I guess there was more to this issue than I originally recognized. I'm actually interested in the "why" question. Is there something science professors do to alienate Republican students? But if it would help for us to "dress for success" instead of being relaxed about our clothes, I can't go there.

From:  Scifeminista |  December 29, 2010

I've recently heard some students discuss the lower financial rewards in medicine as the US tries to get serious about controlling costs. Always there are altruistic students who would go into medicine with or without strong financial rewards, but during big premed peaks, there are also those who see it as a good way to be financially stable and successful. In these days, that group may be choosing economics and business over biology/chemistry/medicine.

From:  Laura Hoopes |  December 29, 2010

So where does the discrepancy come from then, if not subconscious digs by profs that alienate Republicans in science classes? Do Republicans not choose science classes? Is the era of Republican doctors coming to an end?

From:  postdoc cat |  December 28, 2010

Hi Small Science Woman,
I doubt that religion vs science is much discussed in chemistry or physics, although it comes up in biology, usually in the context of evolution. I'd be surprised if even a majority of Republicans were fundamentalist Christians, although for sure they are an important segment of the party, and their ideas fit better with the Republican platform than that of the Democrats. So I doubt that things science profs say are alienating the Republican students in their intro classes so they major in something else, myself.

From:  Laura Hoopes |  December 27, 2010

I would pick B out of the list you gave, but there are probably more possibilities. My brain is struggling to come up with a way that I might, in my classes, engage the interest of Republican students. I don't usually even know the political affiliation of any of my students. So, it doesn't seem likely to me that I (or my colleagues) discriminate against the Republicans. If I do, I am certainly not aware of it. Do people think its an issue of religion versus science?

From:  Small Science Woman |  December 26, 2010

Hi Naveen,
I think you're right to point out that there is a much larger context, both in terms of fields and in terms of countries, for wanting improved participation by women. The world is full of women striving to become the person of their dreams, but receiving little encouragement. Yet there are very inspiring stories about women in limited circumstances who have overcome all odds to succeed. One of my students is from Pakistan, and I find her story very inspiring. Her mother took risks to get her an education over her father's objections. She is a brilliant scientist with a real heart for humanity. I am sure there are many more such stories.

From:  Laura Hoopes |  December 26, 2010

Doesn’t matter whether a scientists is Democrat or Republican. Because in the last analysis the Democrats and Republican are the chips of the same block (not scientist but Politicians in their policies). And every one should remember that every issue is related with economy; attichudes as wel. Recently big Crunch in this capitalist system badly affected whole the world and fourth comming policies of both Democrats and Republicans are depends upon the next circumstances that where this big crunch carry them. Comming time is very critical time for both. Anyhow i am strongly supported the participation of women not in science but every field of life.
Hope for the best but also ready for the worst.

From:  Naveed Shaheen |  December 25, 2010

I do think we should worry about this. It's hard to think of any good approach to it, though. The Republicans I know (basically relatives) gravitate to big money, which isn't what science careers usually offer. So Econ, Business, Politics (!) seem to be big choices for them.

From:  ExCS |  December 24, 2010

I think it could affect women's progress in science. If the new Republican majority in the House starts thinking science is just the hobby of the Democrats, then its traditional respect for funding, including funding to work for diversity in science may disappear. We would all suffer if that happened.

From:  Mad Hatter |  December 24, 2010

A!! Of all the dumb things to worry about, now we have to think of Republicans as underrepresented in science? I'm sorry but this is not worth the time to discuss it here.

From:  Scifeminista |  December 24, 2010
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