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Intro to Biotechnology: Techniques and Applications 
Unit 4: Gene Doping and Beyond
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4.1  Genetic Inequality: Human Genetic EngineeringCitation


Genes influence health and disease, as well as human traits and behavior. Researchers are just beginning to use genetic technology to unravel the genomic contributions to these different phenotypes, and as they do so, they are also discovering a variety of other potential applications for this technology. For instance, ongoing advances make it increasingly likely that scientists will someday be able to genetically engineer humans to possess certain desired traits. Of course, the possibility of human genetic engineering raises numerous ethical and legal questions. Although such questions rarely have clear and definite answers, the expertise and research of bioethicists, sociologists, anthropologists, and other social scientists can inform us about how different individuals, cultures, and religions view the ethical boundaries for the uses of genomics. Moreover, such insights can assist in the development of guidelines and policies.

Testing for Traits Unrelated to Disease

Much of what we currently know about the ramifications of genetic self-knowledge comes from testing for diseases. Once disease genes were identified, it became much easier to make a molecular or cytogenetic diagnosis for many genetic conditions. Diagnostic testing supplies the technical ability to test presymptomatic, at-risk individuals and/or carriers to determine whether they will develop a specific condition. This sort of testing is a particularly attractive choice for individuals who are at risk for diseases that have available preventative measures or treatments, as well as people who might carry genes that have significant reproductive recurrence risks. Indeed, thanks to advances in single-cell diagnostics and fertilization technology, embryos can now be created in vitro; then, only those embryos that are not affected by a specific genetic illness can be selected and implanted in a woman's uterus. This process is referred to as preimplantation genetic diagnosis.
For adult-onset conditions, ethical concerns have been raised regarding whether genetic testing should be performed if there is no cure for the disease in question. Many people wonder whether positive diagnosis of an impending untreatable disease will harm the at-risk individual by creating undue stress and anxiety. Interestingly, social science research has demonstrated that the answer to this question is both yes and no. It seems that if genetic testing shows that an individual is a carrier for a recessive disease, such as Tay-Sachs disease or sickle-cell anemia, this knowledge may have a negative impact on the individual's well-being, at least in the short term (Marteau et al., 1992; Woolridge & Murray, 1988). On the other hand, if predictive testing for an adult-onset genetic disorder such as Huntington's disease reveals that an at-risk individual will develop the disorder later in life, most patients report less preoccupation with the disease and a relief from the anxiety of the unknown (Taylor & Myers, 1997). For many people who choose to have predictive testing, gaining a locus of control by having a definitive answer is helpful. Some people are grateful for the opportunity to make life changes—for instance, traveling more, changing jobs, or retiring early—in anticipation of developing a debilitating condition later in their lives.
Of course, as genetic research advances, tests are continually being developed for traits and behaviors that are not related to disease. Most of these traits and behaviors are inherited as complex conditions, meaning that multiple genes and environmental, behavioral, or nutritional factors may contribute to the phenotype. Currently, available tests include those for eye color, handedness, addictive behavior, "nutritional" background, and athleticism. But does knowing whether one has the genetic background for these nondisease traits negatively affect one's self-concept or health perception? Studies are now beginning to address this question. For example, one group of scientists performed genetic testing for muscle traits on a group of volunteers enrolled in a resistance-training program (Gordon et al., 2005). These tests looked for single-nucleotide polymorphisms that would tell whether an individual had a genetic predisposition for muscle strength, size, and performance. The investigators found that if the individuals did not receive affirmative genetic information regarding muscle traits, they credited the positive effects of the exercise program to their own abilities. However, those study participants who did receive positive test results were more likely to view the beneficial changes as out of their control, attributing any such changes to their genetic makeup. Thus, a lack of genetic predisposition for muscle traits actually gave subjects a sense of empowerment.
The results of the aforementioned study may be surprising to many people, as one major concern associated with testing for nondisease traits is the fear that those people who do not possess the genes for a positive trait may develop a negative self-image and/or inferiority complex. Another matter bioethicists often consider is that people may discover that they carry some genes associated with physiological or behavioral traits that are frequently perceived as negative. Moreover, many critics fear that the prevalence of these traits in certain ethnic populations could lead to prejudice and other societal problems. Thus, rigorous social science research by individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds is crucial to understanding people's perceptions and establishing appropriate boundaries.
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