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An ovitrap is a mosquito trap. It is a black, cylindrical container filled with water that appears to be an ideal location for a female Aedes aegypti to lay eggs. The female lays her eggs on the cardboard paddles. The eggs then fall through the mesh into the water, where the larvae hatch and develop into pupas. When the adult mosquitoes emerge, they are trapped beneath the mesh and are unable to escape from the ovitrap.

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In the absence of an effective vaccine that protects humans from dengue, limiting contact between people and vectors is the most effective way to prevent dengue infections. Environmental management approaches involve eliminating the container habitats in which Aedes aegypti lay their eggs. Chemical control involves the use of insecticides to kill immature or adult mosquitoes. New chemical, biological, and genetic approaches are being developed and may provide promising alternatives to control mosquito populations and prevent dengue infections.


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