Journal Information
On this page: About the journal | Aims and scope of journal | Article and Journal Metrics | Abstracted/indexed in | ISSN and eISSN | Newsfeeds
About the journal
Polymer Journal is the official journal of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan (SPSJ) and publishes high-quality Original Articles, Notes, Short Communications and Reviews on cutting-edge developments in macromolecule research. It is an international peer-reviewed journal that is published on a monthly basis. Read more about our aims and scope.
The editorial team is led by Professor Keiji Tanaka and includes a diverse and respected editorial board. Together they work towards cementing Polymer Journal as an essential resource for scientists and one of the leading forums for discourse in the global polymer community. Moving forwards, the journal aims to provide an integrated platform for scientific communication, facilitating the advancement of polymer science and related fields.
Polymer Journal is now accepting submissions of papers discussing all aspects of macromolecule research and related fields. Consult the instructions for authors and submit your paper today.
Aims and scope of journal
Polymer Journal promotes research from all aspects of polymer science from anywhere in the world and aims to provide an integrated platform for scientific communication that assists the advancement of polymer science and related fields. The journal publishes Original Articles, Notes, Short Communications and Reviews.
Subject areas and topics of particular interest within the journal's scope include, but are not limited to, those listed below:
- Polymer synthesis and reactions
- Polymer structures
- Physical properties of polymers
- Polymer surface and interfaces
- Functional polymers
- Supramolecular polymers
- Self-assembled materials
- Biopolymers and bio-related polymer materials
- Polymer engineering
Journal Metrics
Article metrics such as number of downloads, citations and online attention are available from each article page, and provide an overview of the attention received by a paper.
Citation Impact 2023
- Journal Impact Factor: 2.3
- 5-year Journal Impact Factor: 2.5
- Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 0.762
- SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.597
Speed 2023
- Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 7
- Submission to acceptance (median days): 55
Usage 2023
- Downloads: 1,092,063
- Altmetric mentions: 657
Abstracted/indexed in
ChemPort (CAS)
Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (Thomson Reuters)
Chemical Citation Index (Thomson Reuters)
Chemistry Server Reaction Center (Thomson Reuters)
Current Contents/Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences (Thomson Reuters)
Materials Science Citation Index (Thomson Reuters)
Science Citation Index Expanded (Thomson Reuters)
Science Citation Index (Thomson Reuters)
SCOPUS (Elsevier)
Web of Science (Thomson Reuters)
The international standard serial number (ISSN) for Polymer Journal is 0032-3896, and the electronic international standard serial number (eISSN) is 1349-0540.
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