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    See what readers worldwide have been citing and sharing. In this Web Focus we highlight a selection of articles from 2021, which top the list of the journal’s most cited, downloaded and most shared (including press coverage, blogs, Twitter, Facebook and Weibo). They showcase the breadth of scope and coverage that the journal consistently delivers to its readers.

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    It is well recognised that nutrition is intricately linked to immunity and to the risk and severity of infections. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for a balanced healthy diet to support the immune system and fight infection has become more apparent than ever.

    Image: Joanne Ruby
  • Collection |

    See what readers worldwide have been citing and sharing. In this Web Focus we highlight a selection of articles from 2020, which top the list of the journal’s most cited, downloaded and most shared (including press coverage, blogs, Twitter, Facebook and Weibo). They showcase the breadth of scope and coverage that the journal consistently delivers to its readers.