Relationship to other Nature Research journals
The Nature Reviews journals are editorially independent, that is, their editors make their own decisions, independently of the other Nature Research journals. In some cases, if an article is rejected from one Nature Reviews journal, the authors can use an automated manuscript transfer service to submit the article to another Nature Research journal via a link sent to them by the editor handling the manuscript. Authors should note that, for transfers after peer review, referees' comments (including any confidential comments to the editor) and identities are transferred to the editor of the second journal along with the manuscript. In that case, the journal editors will take the previous reviews into account when making their decision, although in some cases the editors may choose to take advice from additional or alternative referees. Alternatively, authors may choose to request a fresh review, in which case they should not use the automated transfer link, and the editors will evaluate the paper without reference to the previous review process. For more information, please consult the following:
- Details of the manuscript transfer service
- A general explanation of the relationships between Nature titles