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Volume 19 Issue 5, May 2019

‘Mechanics of metabolism’, inspired by this month’s Focus on Immunometabolism.

Cover design: Simon Bradbrook


  • Lifestyle-associated pathologies have reached epidemic proportions and urgent action is needed to protect the public from unhealthy diets. Here, the authors describe how the Western diet has long-lasting effects on the immune system that promote chronic metabolic inflammatory diseases.

    • Anette Christ
    • Eicke Latz


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Research Highlights

  • A new study shows that immune activation after infection involves competition for energy with physiological programmes such as maintaining a normal body temperature. This trade-off favours immune tolerance as a strategy for host defence.

    • Lucy Bird
    Research Highlight
  • Doreen Cantrell describes a 2005 paper by Graham Hardie and colleagues showing that Ca2+–calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinases could phosphorylate and activate AMPK, which suggested a biochemical link between T cell receptor signalling and ATP production.

    • Doreen A. Cantrell
    Journal Club
  • During inflammation, IL-17 rewires metabolic processes in lymph node fibroblastic reticular cells, thereby supporting their survival and population expansion.

    • Yvonne Bordon
    Research Highlight
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