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    Showcase the capabilities, applications, and limitations of low-cost air quality sensors, guiding potential users and encouraging adoption for both new and existing applications where they provide unique advantages.

    Image: © [M] Wanan /
    Open for submissions
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    Intertwining observations and models across varying spatiotemporal scales facilitate better understanding of aerosols, clouds, and climate change, as well as their interactions.

    Image: © wollertz /
    Open for submissions
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    Paleoclimate studies towards a digital paradigm by using paleoclimate records integration, model simulation, and data assimilation for promoting our understanding of climate dynamics and future prediction.

    Image: © Shutterstock / amgun
    Open for submissions
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    In this Collection we present articles that explore the causes, characteristics and impacts of marine heatwaves. We are pleased to invite submissions of complementary studies and opinion pieces, to broaden the discussion.

    Image: © [M] sabangvideo /
    Open for submissions
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    The year 2023 marks the mid-point of the 15-year period envisaged to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, targets for global development adopted in September 2015 by all United Nations Member States.

    Image: © Springer Nature
    Open for submissions
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    Humans and ecosystems struggle to cope with extreme weather and climate conditions. Research into phenomena that are extreme in their rarity, intensity, or both aims to help societies better anticipate and manage the challenges of the most impactful future weather and climate events, be they weeks or decades from now. Extreme weather and events have catastrophic impact on humans and the environment, and their prediction is essential for planning and mitigation preparation. In this Collection, we highlight research looking at extreme events across the globe and their prediction. Extreme events in the Arctic have a disproportionate effect on global climate and weather and there is a Collection addressing this topic specifically.