Commentary in 2007

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  • Fundamental research can yield unforeseen benefits of great value for society, but often this happens only many years after the initial breakthroughs have been made. Can society find a way to pay back this debt?

    • Leon N Cooper
  • South Africa has recognized the importance of science in the development of its society, in moving away from its apartheid past and striving to eradicate poverty. Opportunities abound in its growing programme of physics research.

    • Nithaya Chetty
    • Simon Connell
    • Ahmed C. Bawa
  • The revival of interest in lunar and planetary exploration is prompting astronomers to re-evaluate the advantages of observatories on the Moon. But the debate is much more than one of science versus money, and goes to the inspirational heart of space exploration.

    • Mike Lockwood
  • Brilliant scientists of all ages should be able to thrive at universities. Mandatory retirement is, therefore, a form of age discrimination, but its removal or postponement can come at a cost to younger faculty members, as observed in Italy.

    • Francesco Sylos Labini
    • Stefano Zapperi
  • The question of replacing the UK Trident submarines involves science, technology, national security and international policy. But before the vote, did parliament have access to crucial information? Did the Ministry of Defence?

    • Richard L. Garwin
  • Despite 15 years of turbulent change, 'brain drain' and a shortage of research funds, Russian science has survived, although in a much diminished state. International investment and collaboration over the next ten years could bring it back from the brink.

    • Mikhail Feigel'man