photograph of an optical bench inside a lab where experiments in hyper-Raman optical activity take place

Browse our September issue

Featuring research on fast silicon avalanche photodetectors, sub-femtonewton force-sensing, hyper-Raman optical activity, atomic-scale time-domain terahertz spectroscopy and more. 


  • Nobel Prize medal

    The 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz and Anne L’Huillier “for experimental methods that generate attosecond pulses of light for the study of electron dynamics in matter“. To celebrate the prize, Springer-Nature has created a collection of seminal papers and relevant content from

  • icon of two people talking to each other

    This collection brings together in one place the Question & Answer interviews that Nature Photonics has conducted with leading figures in photonics over the years.

  • Photograph of Charles Townes

    With this collection of obituaries, we celebrate the great scientists that helped shape modern day photonics.

  • photograph of Joseph Izatt

    The mitigation of climate change requires major transformations in the ways we generate energy and operate technologies that release carbon dioxide. Photonic concepts and novel light-driven technologies provide many potential solutions, transforming our current modes of energy use into more effective and sustainable ones.

Nature Photonics is a Transformative Journal; authors can publish using the traditional publishing route OR via immediate gold Open Access.

Our Open Access option complies with funder and institutional requirements.


  • The mitigation of climate change requires major transformations in the ways we generate energy and operate technologies that release carbon dioxide. Photonic concepts and novel light-driven technologies provide many potential solutions, transforming our current modes of energy use into more effective and sustainable ones.

    • Giulia Tagliabue
    • Harry A. Atwater
    • Emiliano Cortés
  • Nathalie Picqué, the new director at the Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy (MBI) in Berlin, Germany, tells us all we need to know about frequency combs and dual-comb spectroscopy, and shares with us some golden tips on becoming a successful scientist.

    • Rachel Won
  • Joseph Izatt’s work advanced the science of imaging in biophotonics and brought optical coherence tomography imaging to the eye care of infants and children and, as live feedback for the surgeon, to ophthalmic microsurgery.

    • Marinko V. Sarunic
    • Cynthia A. Toth
  • Following first lasing at LCLS-II — a coherent X-ray laser source driven by a 700-m superconducting linear accelerator — several upgrades are already in the works. Nature Photonics spoke to LCLS director Mike Dunne about LCLS-II commissioning hurdles as well as future plans.

    • David Pile
  • Global proliferation of free-electron laser X-ray sources has improved accessibility. Now the race is on for high repetition rates, attosecond pulses, and full coherence.

  • We had all been wondering “where is Costas?” and now we learned that we shall not see him again. We have lost a good friend and leader in the photonics community.

    • Maria Kafesaki
    • Thomas Koschny
    • Martin Wegener

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